Security Patch
    The instructions for this download will soon be available in your language. In the meantime, we are providing the instructions in English.
    Install this update to resolve issues in Windows.
    Telefon ekranini tashqi ekranga proyeksiyalashni xohlasangiz-u, simsiz qurilmaga ulana olmasangiz, USB kabeli orqali Windows qurilmasiga ulanishingiz mumkin.
    Install this update to resolve issues in Windows.
    Windows 7 uchun tavsiya qilingan tez va qulay brauzerni yuklab oling.
    Microsoft Office isbotlash vositalari qo'shimcha tillarda tahrirlashni ishga tushiradi.
    The instructions for this download will soon be available in your language. In the meantime, we are providing the instructions in English.
    Redistributable component
    The instructions for this download will soon be available in your language. In the meantime, we are providing the instructions in English.
    The instructions for this download will soon be available in your language. In the meantime, we are providing the instructions in English.
    Windows 8.1 Til interfeysi paketi (TIP) Windows 8.1 eng ko‘p ishlatiladigan sohalarining qisman mahalliylashtirilgan foydalanuvchi interfeysi bilan ta’minlaydi.