ነፃውስጥ-መተግበሪያ ግዢዎችን ያቀርባል
+ ውስጥ-መተግበሪያ ግዢዎችን ያቀርባል


Have you ever dreamed of flying your own airplane? Taking the central position of a plane pilot and fly in the air, it surely is the dream of everyone. It’s time to fulfill those dreams virtually. Take control of the airplane in this Flight Pilot Simulator Plane Flying Game. Fly in the skies but with some objectives, fly your plane for a purpose, Careful landing and takeoff, rescue missions, transportation levels and much more. This plane flight pilot simulator has the most realistic flying controls where you fly a plane as a real pilot. This Game is all about flying airplane and explore the skies. Game Play Experience: You are just a tap away from one of the best free flight simulator game, with unique 30 levels. Your piloting skills will be tested in 30 challenges. You are in a race against time, especially in rescue missions; reach the destination on time and save the precious lives. In Airplane stunts challenges, fly your aircraft and go through the rings and perform dangerous stunts. In this flight simulation, the pilot is going to enjoy every moment of the game. Download and play Airplane Flight Flying Game of 2017 and experience how it feels to be a Real Flying Pilot. EXPLORE THE SKIES, BE AN AIRPLANE PILOT, ENJOY THE FLIGHT, FLY THE PLANE. One of the best things that distinguish this game from other Airplane simulators is its realistic landing and takeoff simulation experience. In tutorial level the pilot will be trained on how to go for a successful takeoff and fly the airplane in the air. Also for successful landing, the pilot will be trained to avoid to any crash landings.

ቅጽበታዊ ገጽ ዕይታዎች

በተጨማሪ ሰዎች ይወዳሉ


  • - Realistic Flying Controls - Challenging Mission - Landing and Takeoff Simulation - 3D HD Realistic Graphics

ተጨማሪ መረጃ

የታተመው በ

Mind Arts Games

የተገነባው በ


የተለቀቀበት ቀን


የተጠጋጋ መጠን

502.1 ሜባ

የዕድሜ ደረጃ አሰጣጥ

ዕድሜያቸው 3 እና ከዚያ በላይ



ይህ መተግበሪያ የሚከተለውን(ሉትን) ማድረግ ይችላል

የእርስዎን በይነመረብ ግንኙነት ይድረሱበት
የእርስዎን የበይነመረብ ግንኙነት ይድረሱበት እና እንደ አገልጋይ ይተውኑ


ወደ የእርስዎ የ Microsoft መለያ በመለያ ገብተው ሳለ ይህን መተግበሪያ ያግኙ እና በእርስዎ እስከ አስር የሚደርሱ የ Windows 10 መሳሪያዎች ላይ ይጫኑት።

የሚደገፍ ቋንቋ

English (United States)

ይህን ምርት ሪፖርት ያድርጉ

በመለያ ይግቡ ይህን ጨዋታ ወደ Microsoft ሪፖርት ለማድረግ
ሪፖርት ያድርጉ ይህ ምርት ለህገወጥ ይዘት

የሕግ ማስተባበያ

ይህ ሻጭ ሁሉንም የሚመለከታቸው ህጎች የሚያከብሩ ምርቶችን ወይም አገልግሎቶችን ብቻ እንደሚያቀርብ አረጋግጧል