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289,00 Kč


Emily and Enron love each other and want to be together. But Enron is hiding a terrible secret – he is the son of Dracula. And just as Enron wants to tell Emily the whole truth about himself, she is kidnapped. No one knows where she is. But there are all the signs that she was abducted from her apartment against her will. Meanwhile, Emily wakes up in a gloomy room with numerous coffins and the ghost of a little girl tells her that Emily has to hurry in order to be rescued. So Emily and Enron must hurry to find each other. But can they do this? You will learn this from the game Dark Romance: Vampire In Love.

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Big Fish Games

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© 2018, Big Fish Games, Inc. All other trademarks, registered trademarks, or logos are the property of their respective owners.


Domini Games

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1,3 GB

Věkové hodnocení

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