57,00 Kč
57,00 Kč


An addictive hidden object game about palace of dreams. Meet Emily. She is a girl with big dreams or let's say, a girl that likes dreaming. She was always in love with those stories about princesses who find their prince and she was hoping that one day, she will meet her prince too. For some girl those things are just a fantasy, just something that happens in the stories but for Emily it is something more. It is her biggest dream and her biggest belief. At this moment Emily is visiting the royal palace. She likes to visit those places, imagining that she could be in the place of some of those princesses. Those thoughts make her very excited, so she dreams about something like that even more. Walking around the palace, Emily notices a portrait of the former princess. Everything was just fined with the princess except the fact that she looked exactly like Emily! Emily could not believe her eyes, she is completely amazed by the similarity between the princess and her, so she decides to explore little bit more about this princess. She likes to learn something more about her life, about the prince she was married with, about their life. Emily believes that the history is repeating and maybe she will find her prince exactly here. This is a very romantic game that will make you believe in fairytales too, even for a minute. Let's see if this girl will fulfill her dreams.

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Hidden Object Games

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23,33 MB

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English (United Kingdom)

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