Dydy Modern Tanks: Tank War Games ddim ar gael ar hyn o bryd.


Get ready for exciting action in one of the top free games in the world of epic tank battles. This is a large-scale multiplayer 3D online shooter tank game that will keep you glued to your device until you feel the rush of crushing your opponent on the battlefield. Hop into a tank and immerse yourself in a world of best online games. Upgrade your tank and become stronger, faster, and deadlier. Face your friends in a fight and feel the combat power of your tank. Invite your friends to tank wars arcade and play with them ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE! FEATURES • Tank battle players from around the world! • Modern 3D graphics! • Various upgrade modules • Lots of camouflage and decal types • Lots of world arenas • Intuitive controls that will be appreciated by novices and hardcore gamers alike • Daily combat quests. Complete them to get bonuses you can use to upgrade your tank • Community chat that allows you to to talk to players from the same country • Dynamic tank battles and nonstop action that never lets you catch your breath • You can choose any game mode: team or free-for-all. And all of this comes for FREE! BECOME THE BEST • Join our fan communities. Stay up to day on the latest updates! • Compete in tournaments and take first place on the leaderboard! • Earn all the rewards and share your achievements with your friends on Facebook Fill your life with intense sensations. Start your own battle! Hop into a tank and show everyone what you're made of! Until you've been in battle, you won't know...


Mae pobl hefyd yn hoffi

Beth sy'n newydd yn y fersiwn hwn

We are glad to announce a new update: • Grandiose changes in the tournament system! The new distribution of tournament places will occur according to the experience of players and is divided into three types: Bronze / Silver / Gold League Now each player will have more chances to win a prize in his league, and the total award fund will be distributed more equitably! • Comprehensive bug fixes.


  • Online tank battles with players from around the world.
  • Modern 3D graphics that take you to realistic battlefields. Insanely detailed tanks and maps are easy on the eyes for die-hard tank battle and tactical shooter fans alike.
  • Matchmaking for automated player search and selection based on rating. The better you play, the tougher your opponents.
  • Rating system so the world knows the better you drive your tank, the higher your rank and the tougher your opponents.
  • Several different maps with tons of places to take cover, some of which can be destroyed to reach who's hiding.
  • Compete leaderboards with players from around the world for the coveted top spots. Earn free bonuses and respect in the community!
  • Complete daily tasks, destroy your enemies and get bonuses. Play every day to get max rewards and bonuses!
  • Fast paced shooting game. 5 minute action is what your tank has to shoot down as many tanks as you can in the battle to win the war.
  • Defend the honor of your country against an army from foreign lands sush as China, USA, Russia, Japan and more. A whole world of tanks in combat!
  • Two explosive war modes. Battle in team based battles or in the free for all army war.
  • World famous tanks. Choose your tank from a wide range of powerful war machines and like in war make decisions that will win the battle.
  • Epic tank upgrades. Play and unlock new epic tanks and upgrade it. Show your enemy who you are with tank customization.
  • Battle your enemies in various World War and general wars battlefields: European cities, industrial zones etc...

Gwybodaeth ychwanegol

Cyhoeddwyd gan



Extreme Developers

Datblygwyd gan

Extreme Developers

Dyddiad rhyddhau


Maint bras

504.14 MB

Oed priodol

Ar gyfer plant 7 oed a hŷn


Drama ac antur

Gall yr ap hwn

Defnyddio eich lleoliad
Mynediad i'ch cysylltiad rhyngrwyd
Mynediad i'ch cysylltiad rhyngrwyd a'i ddefnyddio fel gweinydd.
Mynediad i rwydweithiau eich cartref neu waith


Estynnwch yr ap hwn tra byddwch wedi mewngofnodi i'ch cyfrif Microsoft a'i osod ar hyd at 10 dyfais Windows 10.

Yr iaith mae modd delio â hi

English (United States)

Adrodd am y cynnyrch hwn

Mewngofnodi i riportio’r gêm hon i Microsoft
Riportio y cynnyrch hwn am gynnwys anghyfreithlon

Ymwadiad Cyfreithiol

Mae'r gwerthwr hwn wedi ardystio y byddai’n cynnig cynnyrch neu wasanaethau sy'n cydymffurfio â'r holl gyfreithiau perthnasol yn unig