£2.49Cyfleoedd i chi brynu yn yr ap
+ Cyfleoedd i chi brynu yn yr ap


They are tiny. They are cute. They need your help. Over 800,000 players love them already. Be a great shepherd! Guide a flock of tiny sheep through 30 beautiful hand-drawn levels – use your fingers to keep the sheep together and steer them to safe pastures. It’s the simple, smooth and relaxing multi-touch game casual gamers will love. Watch the sheep try to stick together, but panic when crowded. They’re scared of your fingers and dangerous volcanoes and they wander around and get into trouble if left unattended. With no high scores or time limits, and with an all-original soothing soundtrack, it’s a great way to pass the time.



  • 30 vibrant hand drawn levels
  • Original relaxing soundtrack
  • 3 difficulty levels
  • Engaging yet simple gameplay
  • 90 cute collectable cards

Gwybodaeth ychwanegol

Cyhoeddwyd gan

No brakes games


Copyright © 2013-2015, No brakes games

Datblygwyd gan

No brakes games

Dyddiad rhyddhau


Maint bras

27.91 MB

Oed priodol

Ar gyfer plant 3 oed a hŷn


Teulu a phlant

Gall yr ap hwn

Mynediad i'ch cysylltiad rhyngrwyd


Estynnwch yr ap hwn tra byddwch wedi mewngofnodi i'ch cyfrif Microsoft a'i osod ar hyd at 10 dyfais Windows 10.

Yr iaith mae modd delio â hi

English (United States)

Gwybodaeth y Cyhoeddwr

Gwefan Pocket Sheep
Cymorth Pocket Sheep

Adrodd am y cynnyrch hwn

Mewngofnodi i riportio’r gêm hon i Microsoft
Riportio y cynnyrch hwn am gynnwys anghyfreithlon

Ymwadiad Cyfreithiol

Mae'r gwerthwr hwn wedi ardystio y byddai’n cynnig cynnyrch neu wasanaethau sy'n cydymffurfio â'r holl gyfreithiau perthnasol yn unig