Vitamania: The Sense and Nonsense of Vitamins
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This year the world will spend over $100 billion on vitamins and supplements. Almost one billion of us take one regularly – or give one to our children. Every week, a new benefit is claimed. Some doctors point to research that shows they can be lifesavers. Many others claim that most vitamin products are useless, and some are downright dangerous. All of this provokes confusion. In a world where even the scientists disagree, how do we decide whether to take them, or not? How do we separate the sense from the nonsense? In Vitamania, the latest documentary made by Emmy Award-winning Australian filmmakers, Genepool Productions, Dr Derek Muller takes us on an epic journey, a world-spanning investigation of vitamin science and history. What he uncovers will confound opinions on all sides.

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Sonya Pemberton


English (CC)

Released year



1 h 29 min




5.17 GB (1080p HD)
2.72 GB (720p HD)
1.52 GB (SD)

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