Fortnite - Dizzie's Domain Pack
Fortnite - Dizzie's Domain Pack
Fortnite - Dizzie's Domain Pack is currently not available.

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Any drop spot Dizzie lands at, she controls. Stake claim on the island with the Dizzie's Domain Pack. Includes: - 600 V-Bucks - Dizzie Outfit - Extra Round Back Bling - Rebel Slice Pickaxe V-Bucks included with this purchase can't be transferred to or used on other consoles. V-Bucks are in-game currency that can be spent in Fortnite Battle Royale, Creative, and Save the World modes. In Battle Royale and Creative you can purchase new customization items like New Outfits, Gliders, Pickaxes, Emotes, and Wraps! In Save the World, you can purchase X-Ray Llamas that contain weapon and trap schematics, plus new Heroes, and more!

Additional information

Published by

Epic Games Inc.

Developed by

Epic Games Inc.

Release date


Age rating

For ages 12 and over


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