Works with
The Camelot’s Fortune Pack includes the following digital items: - Sir Mordred skin: An alternative cosmetic skin for the main character - Lady Dindraine skin: An alternative cosmetic skin for one of the side characters - The Early Bird's Ring which grants an extra skill to the Heroes - 1000 Gold, 300 Building Resource - Satchel of Relic Dust Consumable (Grants 400-600 Relic Dust) - Topaz Case Consumable (Grants 1 Relic Topaz) - Box of Sapphires Consumable (Grants 2-3 Sapphires) - Chest of Emeralds Consumable (Grants 4-6 Emeralds) - 3 Large Healing Potion - 3 Refreshing Potion - Scroll of Fire Blast - Scroll of Taunt - Scroll of Recuperate
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