Find on page

Searching for a word or phrase on a webpage has become easier with the new AI-powered smart find update to Find on page.  When you search with Find on page, we’ll suggest related matches and synonyms making it effortless to find what you're looking for, even if you misspell a word in your search query. When you search, simply select the suggested word to quickly locate the desired word or phrase on the page.  


Find on page

Searching for a word or phrase on a webpage has become easier with the new AI-powered smart find update to Find on page.  When you search with Find on page, we’ll suggest related matches and synonyms making it effortless to find what you're looking for, even if you misspell a word in your search query. When you search, simply select the suggested word to quickly locate the desired word or phrase on the page.  

Tips and Tricks

Frequently asked questions
  • * Feature availability and functionality may vary by device type, market and browser version.