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Quick and symmetrical! One of the best free Sudoku games. With stylus and Windows Ink support! If your device supports Windows Ink™, you can solve your Sudoku writing the numbers with your digital stylus 🖊️. You can select between easy, medium, difficult or extremely difficult schemas.
What’s new in this version
Bug fixes and stability improvements
Additional information
Published by
© 2015-2024Release date
18/2/2015Approximate size
68.86 MBInstallation
Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices.Language supported
English (United States)العربية (المملكة العربية السعودية)
Български (България)
Català (Català)
Čeština (Česko)
Dansk (Danmark)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
Ελληνικά (Ελλάδα)
Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)
Suomi (Suomi)
Français (France)
עברית (ישראל)
हिन्दी (भारत)
Magyar (Magyarország)
Íslenska (Ísland)
Italiano (Italia)
日本語 (日本)
Nederlands (Nederland)
Norsk Bokmål (Norge)
Português (Brasil)
Русский (Россия)
Slovenčina (Slovensko)
Svenska (Sverige)
Türkçe (Türkiye)
Additional terms
Sudoku (Oh no! Another one!) privacy policyTerms of transaction
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