Your personal productivity assistant in Microsoft 365
Cortana helps you achieve more with less effort while allowing you to focus on what matters.
Save time finding what you need
Chat with Cortana in Windows to quickly find information and stay on track. Connect with people, check your schedule, find a free hour, set a reminder, add a task, and more.
Stay on top of what’s new
Listen to what’s new in your inbox and respond hands-free. Catch up with your email and changes to your day using natural language with Cortana.
Easily collaborate with voice assistance
Stay connected to your team even when you have your hands full. Ask Cortana to join a meeting, make a call, send a message, share a file, and more.
Designed to protect your privacy
Cortana meets Office 365 enterprise-level privacy, security, and compliance promises, processing data safely and securely to fulfill your requests.
Ready to get started with Cortana?
Cortana comes with Microsoft 365, a productivity solution to transform the way you work.
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