Troubleshooting Inplace Upgrade Script updateDirDartyRelationshipXDSLegalEntity()
You might recieve the following message when running the upgrade script Classes\ReleaseUpdateDB62_GABMinor\updateDirDartyRelationshipXDSLegalEntity() during an inplace upgrade from MS Dynamics AX 2012 R2 to R3:
“Cannot create a record in Party relationships (DirPartyRelationship). Invalid value specified for ‘Expiration:’. It cannot be greater than or equal to the ‘Expiration:’ of the first record.”
One possible background could be unsufficient customer data quality in terms of partly missing data in the field “PartyID”
The following script is a slightly modified version of the standard script updateDirDartyRelationshipXDSLegalEntity(). It loops through the records sequentially instead of block wise and will list records where a PartyID might be missing:
“Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This blog post assumes that you are familiar with the X++ programming language that is being demonstrated . Always test the script in test environments first in detail! ”
static void UpdateDirPartyRelationship_Test(Args _args)
HcmWorker worker;
HcmEmployment employment;
CompanyInfo companyInfo;
DirPartyRelationship partyRelationship;
DirRelationshipTypeId workerTypeId, applicantTypeId, partyInLETypeId;
utcdatetime validFrom = DateTimeUtil::minValue(), validTo = DateTimeUtil::maxValue();
DirDataAreaId systemDataAreaId = #SystemDataAreaId;
workerTypeId = DirRelationshipTypeTable::findBySystemType(DirSystemRelationshipType::Worker).RelationshipTypeId;
applicantTypeId = DirRelationshipTypeTable::findBySystemType(DirSystemRelationshipType::Applicant).RelationshipTypeId;
partyInLETypeId = DirRelationshipTypeTable::findBySystemType(DirSystemRelationshipType::PartyInLE).RelationshipTypeId;
info(strFmt(“systemDataAreaId: “, systemDataAreaId));
info(strFmt(“workerTypeId: “, workerTypeId));
info(strFmt(“applicantTypeId: “, applicantTypeId));
info(strFmt(“partyInLETypeId: “, partyInLETypeId));
// Delete all worker and applicant relationships
delete_from partyRelationship
where partyRelationship.RelationshipTypeId == workerTypeId ||
partyRelationship.RelationshipTypeId == applicantTypeId;
info(“Finish deleting record in partyRelationship table”);
// Insert worker relationships with employment record
partyRelationship (RelationshipTypeId, ChildParty, ValidFrom, ValidTo, LegalEntityDataAreaId)
select workerTypeId, Person from worker
join ValidFrom, ValidTo from employment where employment.Worker == worker.RecId
join DataArea from companyInfo where companyInfo.RecId == employment.LegalEntity;*/
while select Person from worker
join ValidFrom, ValidTo from employment where employment.Worker == worker.RecId
join DataArea from companyInfo where companyInfo.RecId == employment.LegalEntity
partyRelationship.RelationshipTypeId = workerTypeId;
partyRelationship.ChildParty = worker.Person;
partyRelationship.ValidFrom = employment.ValidFrom;
partyRelationship.ValidTo = employment.ValidTo;
partyRelationship.LegalEntityDataAreaId = companyInfo.DataArea;
error(strFmt(“Duplicated key error on inserting HcmWorker record with recId %1 and relationship type %2 with Child Party %3”,
worker.RecId, workerTypeId, worker.Person));
error(strFmt(“Update conflict error on inserting HcmWorker record with recId %1 and relationship type %2 with Child Party %3”,
worker.RecId, workerTypeId, worker.Person));
error(strFmt(“Error on inserting HcmWorker record with recId %1 and relationship type %2 with Child Party %3”,
worker.RecId, workerTypeId, worker.Person));
info(“Finish inserting worker relationships with employment record”);
// Insert workers without employment records that does not existing party relationship
partyRelationship (RelationshipTypeId, ChildParty, ValidFrom, ValidTo, LegalEntityDataAreaId)
select partyInLETypeId, Person, validFrom, validTo, systemDataAreaId from worker
notexists join employment
where employment.Worker == worker.RecId
notexists join partyRelationship
where partyRelationship.ChildParty == worker.Person &&
partyRelationship.LegalEntityDataAreaId == systemDataAreaId;*/
while select Person from worker
notexists join employment
where employment.Worker == worker.RecId
notexists join partyRelationship
where partyRelationship.ChildParty == worker.Person &&
partyRelationship.LegalEntityDataAreaId == systemDataAreaId
partyRelationship.RelationshipTypeId = partyInLETypeId;
partyRelationship.ChildParty = worker.Person;
partyRelationship.ValidFrom = validFrom;
partyRelationship.ValidTo = validTo;
partyRelationship.LegalEntityDataAreaId = systemDataAreaId;
error(strFmt(“Duplicated key error on inserting HcmWorker record with recId %1 and relationship type %2 with Child Party %3”,
worker.RecId, partyInLETypeId, worker.Person));
error(strFmt(“Update conflict error on inserting HcmWorker record with recId %1 and relationship type %2 with Child Party %3”,
worker.RecId, partyInLETypeId, worker.Person));
error(strFmt(“Error on inserting HcmWorker record with recId %1 and relationship type %2 with Child Party %3”,
worker.RecId, partyInLETypeId, worker.Person));
info(“Finish workers without employment records that does not existing party relationship”);
info(“The script finishes without error!”);