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Dynamics 365

Announcing changes to new trials and new Common Data Service (CDS) for Apps environments

Upcoming changes to new trials and new Common Data Service (CDS) for Apps environments

We are making exciting changes to our new trials and new Common Data Service (CDS) for Apps environments that will let you run your workloads purely on Unified Interface. Unified Interface uses responsive web design principles to provide an optimal viewing and interaction experience for any screen size, device, or orientation. Please note that this change will not impact existing environments. 

The simplified experience

Today users land in the legacy web client experience as soon as they sign in, causing confusion if they have their workloads defined in apps. To enable app discoverability and ease of access, users will now have the following experience. 

  • Users will now land on the app selection page when they sign in instead of the legacy web client application and this page will showcase applicable app modules to the user.

  • When creating a new app module, you will only have the option to do so based on the Unified Interface. You will no longer be able to create new app module based on legacy experience.
    Note: This is applicable to all environments and not just email trials and CDS for Apps environments.

  • If you have an existing legacy web app module, you will be able to run, edit and convert it to Unified Interface.
    Note: App modules converted to Unified Interface cannot be rolled back to the legacy web client experience.

  • The “Dynamics 365 – Custom” app that provided access to the full legacy web client sitemap will no longer be available to users or admins. The runtime will only be available through app experiences.
  • Admin sitemap and experience is still exposed in the legacy web client and can be accessed from the gear icon on the apps selection page or from within an app module by clicking on Advanced Settings. This will open another browser tab and direct you to the settings page.

Where do I sign-up for a trial?

Go to and sign up for a trial using your work email. 

How do I access the legacy web client experience if I need to?

In case you need access to the older experience with the complete legacy web client site map, you can do so by provisioning a trial through and clicking Sign up here.

Note: both trial experiences use the same page but have different options for signing up.

Please give us feedback

Do sign up for the trial and experience the Unified Interface client. Please let us know what you think of these changes or if there is anything we can do to make your experience even better. Feel free to comment or write to  

Shilpa Sinha

Principal PM Manager, Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement