New Form Scripting Quick Reference SDK Topic
The latest version of the Software Development Kit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online (5.0.12) includes a new From Scripting Quick Reference topic.
I added this in response to feedback that it is hard to find how to perform specific tasks using the Xrm.Page Reference.
The topic contains sections with the following structure:
- Using Attributes
- Using Save Event Arguments
- Using Controls
- Accessing Form Controls
- Use Form Controls
- Use OptionSet Controls
- Use IFRAME and Web Resource Controls
- Use Lookup Controls
- Use the SubGrid Control
- Use Form Navigation
- Use Tabs and Sections
- Add or Remove Event Handlers at Runtime
- Use Contextual Information
- Use Entity Data
Each section contains a short syntax example of how to perform a specific task, such as “Get the value of an attribute”. “Get the type of attribute” or “Prevent a record from being saved”. It also contains a link to the full method reference in the Xrm.Page Reference.
I hope this will help you find the form scripting functions you need when you need them.