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Dynamics 365
9 min read

Writing Unit Tests in C/AL

What is a unit? A unit is any code that encapsulates an implementation. It could be one or a combination of individual functions or triggers.
Thus, a unit could also refer to a local function. A unit, from the C/AL perspective, has the following:

  • Inputs: Database state, input parameters, global variables
  • Outputs: Return values, Parameters passed as VAR, Changed state of database, Error raised

Why write a unit test?

A unit test must pass an input to the unit and verify that the output is as expected. It should be coded as a procedure in a codeunit of Test subtype.

Since unit tests are written to safeguard the implementation contract, they are not necessarily tests for functional requirements. The latter is the domain of functional tests. A successful refactoring project may result in changing some unit tests, but must not make any functional tests fail.

Since unit tests are quick low-level tests, it is affordable to have many of them. A larger number of unit tests make it possible to have a smaller number of functional tests, as the base behavior already gets tested as one goes towards higher-level tests.

What does a unit test have?

Typically a unit test consists of the following sections.

  1. PRECONDITIONS – This is the first step, which creates the setup data required by the unit during the EXERCISE step. Since one of the purposes of unit testing is fast execution, data not required by the unit test at hand should not be created. It must be noted that the purpose is not to create an object that makes business sense (those that are made via GUI) but rather to create data that can serve as input to the called unit.
  2. EXERCISE – This should typically be a one-line call to the unit being tested.
  3. VERIFICATIONS – The output from a unit needs to be verified by means of assertions. The post-conditions could include invariants for a certain unit, i.e. rules that are always conformed to for a certain unit. Example: No value entry records should have Cost is Adjusted = FALSE after a cost adjustment routine has been executed.
  4. TEAR-DOWN – It may be necessary to restore the state of the database to what it was when the test started, so that other peoples’ tests can be executed from a “clean slate”. This step can
    be skipped if the TestIsolation property is enabled on the TestRunner codeunit.

What is the purpose of a unit test?

  1. Unit tests safeguard the implementation contract to ensure that a certain piece of code behaves as coded. This could be achieved by checking for the contract of the interface of a unit, if the unit is sufficiently small. Some examples of such units are:
    1. The OnValidate trigger for Variant Code field in the Sales Line tabl
    2. The procedure MakeDateText in the TextManagement codeunit.
  2. Improve the general code coverage of the application by writing many low-level tests covering a particular code path. This results in:
    1. Increased ratio of test code compared to application code that these tests cover.
    2. More specific verification of individual code lines in the application.
  3. Unit tests must run fast by executing the minimum amount of application code in order to reach the unit.
  4. In some cases, unit tests may also be used as an alternative to full functional tests, because:
    1. There may be a need to target a unit too small to justify a functional test and/or,
    2. Unit tests are faster to run and/or,
    3. The code-coverage metrics on the application code more closely resemble the code that is being tested, unlike functional tests, which may use application code to both create setup data as well as test it. For more information, see best practices for the PRE-CONDITIONS step.

Best practices

With the perspective of the above objectives, a list of best practices has been drafted, which may serve as a guideline to those who create unit tests. The list should be treated as an addition to already existing best practices for writing good C/AL test code.

  1. Have clear demarcation between the three sections: PRE-CONDITIONS, EXERCISE, and VERIFICATIONS. This improves readability.The PRE-CONDITIONS step:
  2. Create only data (records and fields in the records) that is needed for the test.
    1. Setup data should be created using direct assignments only (“:=”). Using VALIDATEs and other C/AL procedures to set up data may go through unnecessary paths unrelated to the test.
    2. Avoid using any functions or triggers in the production code, as that results in “usually” doing more than what the unit test requires. For example, in a case where items need to be sold from inventory, the items may be added by two approaches:
      Avoid  Making a posting through item journals
       Prefer  Create item ledger entries directly
    3. It may not be necessary to fill in all primary key fields, as they may not be relevant to the test. For example, in a test that checks the OnValidate trigger on the Location Code field of the Sales Line table, it may not be necessary to put in the Document No. field.
    4. Because of the above reasons, the use of libraries to create business data should be limited, as they tend to make “complete” business entities. Instead, use LOCAL helper functions to promote reuse of code. As an example, some unit tests may only need (as part of their setup data) an Item record, with the Base Unit of Measure field filled in. Although the base unit of measure for any item should always have Qty. per Unit of Measure set to 1, this requirement may be irrelevant in case of such unit tests.

      LOCAL PROCEDURE CreateItemWithBaseUOM@1(VAR Item@1000 : Record 27);


        ItemUnitOfMeasure@1001 : Record 5404;




        ItemUnitOfMeasure.Code := ‘NewCode’;


        Item.”Base Unit of Measure” := ItemUnitOfMeasure.Code;



    5. Improving the performance:
      1. Database changes should be limited to only INSERTs. MODIFY calls should be avoided. This limits the number of database calls and speeds up the test. For example, in order to create an item with a base unit of measure:
        Avoid The helper function to create an item record in the  previous example.

        LOCAL PROCEDURE CreateItemWithBaseUOM@1(VAR Item@1000 : Record 27);


          ItemUnitOfMeasure@1001 : Record 5404;



          ItemUnitOfMeasure.Code := ‘NewCode’;


          Item.”Base Unit of Measure” := ItemUnitOfMeasure.Code;



      2. Taking the approach of minimal data creation, calls to INSERT(TRUE) should be avoided. Plain INSERTs should be used as in the above example.
      3. In case record variables are to be passed to helper functions, it is recommended to pass them as VARs even though the records themselves are not going to be altered. This is faster than passing the record variables as
    6. If the PRE-CONDITIONS step becomes very substantial in the test, it is an indication that the unit chosen is too big. In that case, it may be better to write a functional test instead of a unit test.The EXERCISE step:
    7. This step is usually a one-liner, making the call to the unit. For example, in a test that checks the OnValidate trigger on the Location Code field of the Sales Line table, it is sufficient to have this line:
      SalesLine.VALIDATE(“Location Code”, InputValueLocationCode);
    8. However, there could be instances where a supporting call needs to be made before the actual call to the target unit. Examples of such supporting calls are as follows (this is not an exhaustive list of such cases):
      1. Global variables need to be instantiated to the correct values before making the call. For example, in a test to check the creation of inventory movement for assembly:




      2. A Report object needs to be prepared before calling itself. The following code sample illustrates the call to test if the report returns the bin content:

        BinContent.SETRANGE(“Item No.”,BinContent.”Item No.”);





      3. In case the unit is an action to be called on a page, some preparation for the corresponding TestPage object is needed, as illustrated when testing the Show Availability action on the Assembly Order page:



    9. It may not always be obvious what the EXERCISE step should comprise of if the unit is inaccessible from outside the object it resides in. In that case, the call should be made to the public procedure (or trigger) that traverses the smallest path to the unit. The debugger can facilitate finding the stack from which a unit is called. For example, in order to test the LOCAL function  InsertPickOrMoveBinWhseActLine in Create Inventory Pick/Movement codeunit, the following line may be used as the EXERCISE step (note the comment added to clarify what is being tested here):

      // The next line tests the InsertPickOrMoveBinWhseActLine procedure


      Arranging the unit tests:

    10.  It is recommended that unit tests and functional tests are not mixed in the same codeunit, because:
      1. Unit tests are typically  quicker to run and may therefore be grouped together with only its own kind for the first level of regression testing.
      2. Since the two kinds of tests may have been written with different intents (those making the implementation and those testing it), it may be a good idea to keep them in separate test codeunits as well.
    11. For the purpose of clean categorization, it could be an idea to keep unit tests that call the same object (in the EXERCISE step) grouped together by either placing them in the same codeunit or placing them in adjacent (closely numbered) codeunits.Others:
    12. Comments are a big help in understanding the intent of the test creator, especially because a unit test may create non-intuitive or incomplete business entities that may be impossible to be created from the user interface.
    13. It  is recommended to switch on TestIsolation when running unit tests- as these may result in corrupted data.

Examples of unit tests

Examples are based on the W1 application code in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.

Example 1

Business purpose Test that changing the Costing Method on an item to Specific leads to an error if the tracking code is not Serial number specific.
The unit OnValidate trigger of the Costing Method field on the Item table:

IF “Costing Method” = “Costing
    Method”::Specific THEN BEGIN

    ItemTrackingCode.”SN Specific Tracking” THEN


The test

    PROCEDURE VerifyErrorRaisedOnChangingCostingMethodToSpecific@1();
      ItemTrackingCode@1001 : Record 6502;
      Item@1000 : Record 27;
      // Changing the Costing Method on an Item card to Specific
      // leads to an error if the tracking code is not Serial number specific

      // SETUP : Make item tracking code without SN Specific Tracking
      ItemTrackingCode.Code := ‘MyITCode’;
      ItemTrackingCode.”SN Specific Tracking” := FALSE;

      // SETUP : Make item with above item tracking code
      Item.”No.” := ‘MyItem’;
      Item.”Item Tracking Code” := ItemTrackingCode.Code;

      // EXERCISE : Validate Costing method to Specific
      ASSERTERROR Item.VALIDATE(“Costing Method”,Item.”Costing Method”::Specific);

      // VERIFY : error message
      IF STRPOS(GETLASTERRORTEXT,’SN Specific Tracking must be Yes’) <= 0 THEN
        ERROR(‘Wrong error message’);

Observations The target unit was a very specific line and the  above test was therefore short and precise.

Example 2

Business purpose Test that posting a sales order creates a posted  shipment line with the correct quantity.
The unit The OnRun trigger in Sales-Post codeunit.
The test

    PROCEDURE TestPostedSalesQuantityAfterPosting@2();
      Item@1001 : Record 27;
      SalesHeader@1000 : Record 36;
      SalesLine@1002 : Record 37;
      SalesShipmentLine@1003 : Record 111;
      ItemUnitOfMeasure@1005 : Record 5404;
      Quantity@1004 : Decimal;
      // Post a sales order and verify the posted shipment line quantity.

      // SETUP : Make item with above item tracking code
      Item.”No.” := ‘MyItem’;
      // Create unit of measure
      ItemUnitOfMeasure.”Item No.” := Item.”No.”;
      ItemUnitOfMeasure.Code := ‘PCS’;
      Item.”Base Unit of Measure” := ItemUnitOfMeasure.Code;
      Item.”Inventory Posting Group” := ‘RESALE’;

      // SETUP : Create sales header with item and quantity
      SalesHeader.”Document Type” := SalesHeader.”Document Type”::Order;
      SalesHeader.”No.” := ‘MySalesHeaderNo’;
      SalesHeader.”Sell-to Customer No.” := ‘10000’;
      SalesHeader.”Bill-to Customer No.” := SalesHeader.”Sell-to Customer No.”;
      SalesHeader.”Posting Date” := WORKDATE;
      SalesHeader.”Document Date” := SalesHeader.”Posting Date”;
      SalesHeader.”Due Date” := SalesHeader.”Posting Date”;
      SalesHeader.Ship := TRUE;
      SalesHeader.Invoice := TRUE;
      SalesHeader.”Shipping No. Series” := ‘S-SHPT’;
      SalesHeader.”Posting No. Series” := ‘S-INV+’;
      SalesHeader.”Dimension Set ID” := 4;

      // SETUP : Create the sales line
      SalesLine.”Document Type” := SalesHeader.”Document Type”;
      SalesLine.”Document No.” := SalesHeader.”No.”;
      SalesLine.Type := SalesLine.Type::Item;
      SalesLine.”No.” := Item.”No.”;
      Quantity := 7;
      SalesLine.Quantity := Quantity;
      SalesLine.”Quantity (Base)”:= Quantity;
      SalesLine.”Qty. to Invoice” := Quantity;
      SalesLine.”Qty. to Invoice (Base)” := Quantity;
      SalesLine.”Qty. to Ship” := Quantity;
      SalesLine.”Qty. to Ship (Base)” := Quantity;
      SalesLine.”Gen. Prod. Posting Group” := ‘RETAIL’;
      SalesLine.”Gen. Bus. Posting Group” := ‘EU’;
      SalesLine.”VAT Bus. Posting Group” := ‘EU’;
      SalesLine.”VAT Prod. Posting Group” := ‘VAT25’;
      SalesLine.”VAT Calculation Type” := SalesLine.”VAT Calculation Type”::”Reverse Charge VAT”;

      // EXERCISE : Call the codeunit to post sales header

      // VERIFY : A Posted Shipment Line is created with the same quantity
      SalesShipmentLine.SETRANGE(“Order No.”,SalesHeader.”No.”);

Observations The targeted unit is large and there are many lines before the code to set the quantity on the Sales Shipment Line is reached. In order to reach this line a large setup is needed in the test as well, which makes the unit test bulky. It may be better to write a functional test in this case.