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Dynamics 365

New, Changed, and Deprecated Features guide has been updated

The New, Changed, and Deprecated Features guide has been updated to include extended descriptions for new features for Japan, Russia, India, China and Brazil as well as Process manufacturing production and logistics features.

The guide contains features for 2012, the 2012 Feature Pack, and 2012 R2. To find the latest information, you need to search for R2.


We have also posted a document–the New Features List for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2. It lists only the features that have been added to the product in the R2 release.

We’ve also added a topic specifically for developers, called What’s New in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 for Developers.


Other ways to find help

We also provide application user help on our TechNet site here, where the content is updated regularly. It is also discoverable from search engines, and is fully indexed on Bing.

Please see this blog post for more information about our help content overall: Official Dynamics AX Content – where is it, and how can you find out about updates?

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The Microsoft Dynamics content team is working with website expert Gerry McGovern to run a survey to identify the top tasks for users and IT professionals who use Microsoft Dynamics ERP systems. We’ll use the results from this survey to prioritize the content that we develop. Tell us what tasks you need resources for – your opinion counts!