AX Retail: Retail store maintenance and SQL Express
Here are some tips to do maintenance on your store database running SQL express and how to shrink the size of the database.
Store transaction cleanup
It is important to cleanup the store database as many store databases in smaller shop only runs SQL Express editions. SQL Express has a 10 GB limit in size and when reached the system stops.
Since most customers are running pull job on very regular time schedule like every 15-30 minutes, the transaction data exists in the HQ database and makes the data in the store obsolete.
In the Dynamics AX Retail module we have an option to set the number of days these transactions should exists on the store database.
POS Functionality profile
– Days transaction exists
Affected tables
The data deletion will be executed for every closing of the shift on the POS.
The functionality is not implemented before KB2831335 and the required Dynamics AX POS build is
Dynamics AX 2012 build 6.0.1108.4260
Dynamics AX 2012 R2 build 6.2.1000.785
NB: Always implement the latest kernel build to get the latest hotfixes.
SQL Database maintenance
It is a good practice to do maintenance on the store database. Regular rebuilding and updating of indexes improves the performance.
In SQL Express the SQL server Agent is not available and therefore maintenance jobs can´t be scheduled.
Another way to Schedule a DB maintenance
Windows Task Scheduler can be used to run a program like a command file (cmd). Make a new task and point the CMD file and add the
SQL server has an interfase SQLCMD, which is available in SQL Express
Create a new text file and add the code inside and set the extension of the file to CMD
SQLCMD –d yourdatabase -SLocalhost\SQLEXPRESS -HLOCALHOST –i c:\temp\sqlmain.sql
SQL JOB (sqlmain.sql)
Create a new text file and add the code and set the extension of the file to sql
DECLARE @Database DECLARE @Table DECLARE @cmd DECLARE @Statement SET @cmd = ‘DECLARE TableCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT ”[” + table_catalog + ”].[” + table_schema + ”].[” + table_name + ”]” as tableName FROM ‘ + @Database + ‘.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE table_type = ”BASE TABLE”’ — create table cursor EXEC (@cmd) OPEN TableCursor FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @Table
BEGIN SET @cmd = ‘ALTER INDEX ALL ON ‘ + @Table + ‘ REBUILD;’ EXEC sp_executesql @cmd SET @Statement = ‘UPDATE STATISTICS ‘ + @Table + ‘ WITH FULLSCAN’ EXEC sp_executesql @Statement FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @Table END CLOSE TableCursor DEALLOCATE TableCursor
For SQL Express you would need to allow remote connections, enable the TCP/IP, Named pipes protocols in the sql configuration tool and start the sql browser.
Author: Kim Truelsen, MS Escalation Engineer
Date: 10/1- 2014