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Dynamics 365

Dynamics Data Loader team is happy to announce the availability of the October release for Data Loader.


  • Support for out of box – file format (CSV) for new deployments
  • Support for multiple files for the same entity via uploading a zip file
  • An announcement pane on the main workspace – this will show the latest 3 blog posts for Data Loader. This will keep the users aware of any upcoming maintenance and any top issues

In addition to new features, there were many bug fixes which were completed too.



  • Deployments which are not being used (i.e. no import jobs ran) for 5 days, will be deleted, to ensure that we can accommodate more preview users. If you see the deployment deleted, you can always redeploy.


While sending feedback via the Smiley feature, please do remember to add your active email address, so we can respond.