AX for Retail 2012 R3 CU9: Retail Pricing Simulator
A new feature introduced in AX for Retail R3 CU9 is Pricing Simulator in AX. The Pricing Simulator is also available for AX 2012 R3 pre-CU9 by installing KB 3037365. This means that pricing administrators can test a variety of pricing, discounts and promotion capabilities and use these to provide a consistent pricing and promotion experience to the customer without having to go through multiple steps and test the price in POS.
Pricing simulator includes:
- The trade agreements for products, the channel and customers (prices (Sales), line discounts (Sales), multiline discounts (Sales), total discounts(Sales))
- The retail specific price adjustments
- The retail specific discounts
- The retail specific quantity discounts
- The retail specific mix and match offers
- Threshold discounts
- Affiliation
- Loyalty
- Catalogs
- Discount Bar Codes support
A new menu item is created on the retail area page, which opens the pricing simulator form. On this form, user can select channel, date and time, and all other pricing parameters (eg: Customer, loyalty programs, discount codes, affiliations, catalogs) to simulate the pricing results on the transaction.
To navigate to the Retail pricing simulator go to Retail > Inquiries > Pricing simulator
General Fast Tab:
You can create several pricing simulators per Retail Channel
Select the Date and time
There is an option to include disabled discounts.
Select the following options
- Catalogs
- Customer account
- Affiliations
- Loyalty tiers
- Discount codes
Sales line fast tab – this simulates the price when entered on the sales line based on the criteria selected in the General fast tab
Select the Item, variant, unit
Transaction summary fast tab – this simulates the Subtotal for all items, total discount, and the total margin percent.
Below is a simple example for the Signature Mountain Bike Tire (Item 0003) for the Houston store
In this case, the Original price for item 0003 comes from the Items Sell fast tab or Trade agreement
Item 0003 is in the Retail Product Category Hierarchy – ALL > Action Sports > BMX Biking > BMX Parts & Accessories > BMX Tires & Tubes. Some discounts are applied to the category.
The Item is included in:
Student discount – Category ALL (10%)
Affiliation for Student Discount
Loyalty 2% off selected items – Category BMX Biking (2%)
Threshold discount:
Loyalty 5% off over $100 – Category ALL (does not apply because not over $100)
If you are wondering why a discount is not included in POS for a Store, make sure you check the Price Group and is it applied to the store.