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A woman SUNNY travels to Hong Kong looking for an escape from her abusive relationship where she meets a photographer MICHAEL who persuades her to be the subject for his next exhibition about emotions. Michael’s last 2 exhibitions have drawn interest from the police, the 2 women featured in the previous exhibition have gone missing. The husband of one of the women (CHANTAL) fears she has been murdered and is pressing the police to investigate Michael. It is only in the closing moments the police find a form where Michael’s wife applied for a divorce. What really happened to his wife? Is Michael what he makes himself out to be? Slowly Michael gains Sunny’s trust, then he starts to play mind games, and makes her remember the events of her past both happy and sad. This continues for several days. Meantime, the police have discovered that Michael was a psychiatrist and his wife committed suicide. They rush to try and catch Michael before it’s to late. Michael is confronted by Chantal’s husband who starts fighting him. The police separate them just as Chantal appears. Chantal wants charges filed against her husband for abuse, the husband strikes her one more time and he is arrested. As a doctor, Michael took a Hippocratic oath which forbids him from saying what happened to the missing women.

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Ross Clarkson


Lantern Lane Entertainment


English (CC)

Released year



1 h 31 min




Ross Clarkson


4.98 GB (1080p HD)
3.06 GB (720p HD)
2.43 GB (SD)

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