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Power Apps portals 2020 Wave 1 updates are out now!

April is a big month for Power Apps, with 2020 Release Wave I updates rolling out in full swing. In addition to various Power Apps enhancements which were announced, we’ve been busy improving the Power Apps portals across the board as well. This posts will cover many of the latest enhancements which we are rolling out in April/May 2020.

Simplified themes in Portal Design Studio

With the latest update of Power Apps portals, makers can now create themes for portals in Portal Design Studio. This experience will allow you to not only create basic themes using a theme designer experience but will also provide a set of preconfigured themes which can be directly used with the portal. More details about the capabilities can be found here

Simplified Portal identity provider configuration

One of the key capability of portals is to be able to enable variety of identity providers such as Azure Active Directory and Azure Active Directory B2C and authentication protocols such as OpenID Connect, OAuth 2 (e.g. Microsoft, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook can be configured via OAuth 2) and SAML 2.0.

With this release we are introducing a simplified experience to create and manage authentication settings and identity provider configuration. The experience aims to provide better discovery of supported providers, in-app guidance for makers / administrators and reduce common configuration errors. More details about the capabilities can be found here

Custom Entity Search

Since Portals have been launched, one of the most requested feature is the ability to search custom entities through Portal Global Search. As part of this release, we are adding the ability to search any entity in Portal Global Search. More details about the capabilities can be found here

Power Apps portals General availability in France

As part of Release Wave I release, we are also making Power Apps portals generally available in France region. Makers will now be able to create portals for environments which are created in France Region.


These capabilities are part of broader 2020 Release Wave I functionalities which we announced earlier. In the upcoming months, we will be releasing more capabilties which were announced in release plan earlier, you can see all our release plans for upcoming months here. 

As always, your feedback is one of the most valuable tools we have as continue to build and improve Power Apps portals. Please continue to reach out through our Power Apps Community.