Power Apps portals simplified identity provider configuration (public preview)
Portals support variety of identity providers such as Azure Active Directory and Azure Active Directory B2C and authentication protocols such as OpenID Connect, OAuth 2 (e.g. Microsoft, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook can be configured via OAuth 2) and SAML 2.0 .
Configuring authentication providers is a widely used capability of portals that enables internal and external user authentication scenarios. Setting this up requires know-how of provider configuration and portal site settings using the Portal Management model-driven app.
With this preview feature we are introducing a simplified experience to create and manage authentication settings and identity provider configuration. The experience aims to provide better discovery of supported providers, in-app guidance for makers / administrators and reduce common configuration errors.
Preview capabilities
In public preview the feature provides following capabilities
- A providers list page for easy discovery and management of supported identity providers and protocols for portal makers and administrators. In this release you can manage Azure Active Directory B2C and OAuth 2 based providers (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, Twitter, Microsoft).
- Configure identity providers with in-app guidance and help.
- Contextual information with info icons for each setting and and guidance on steps with learn more links.
- Mandatory settings are distinguished for configuring the identity provider quickly with minimum settings.
- Input validation for common types such as identifiers and URLs ensures that incorrect values are not entered during setup and can avoid unnecessary troubleshooting later.
- Actions such as enabling / disabling providers, setting a default provider (including Local Sign-in and Azure Active Directory).
- General authentication Settings allow you to enable / disable external login and open registration options on the portal.
We are looking forward to your feedback as we march towards GA
Go ahead and try this feature from make.preview.powerapps.com.
Your feedback will help us continue to build on and improve the capabilities of this feature. We want to hear from you!
See documentation here for detailed overview and instructions on each provider.