Body Powered Sensor Systems for Health and Environment

Through nanotechnology research, ASSIST is building wearable sensor systems for the purpose of dramatically improving health and environment informatics. The talk will overview efforts in energy harvesting off the human body, sub-threshold CMOS research for ultra-low power devices and nano-enabled sensors. ASSIST is combining these technologies into wearable form factors for widespread market adoption and clinical approval. As users gain ability to monitor personal health parameters and personal environmental exposures real-time, the ability to manage wellness increases. Big data analytics of this network of wearable health devices will allow better advisement of environmental policy.

Speaker Details

Tom Snyder is an engineer by degree and innovator and problem solver by experience. He spent two decades in advanced product development in the mobile phone sector, helping launch many technology “firsts” in the product lines of Ericsson, Sony Ericsson and HTC. He has done consulting for the healthcare, satellite communications, entertainment and energy sectors, and is an inventor on over 25 US patents. Currently, Tom is supporting the ASSIST Center, headquartered at North Carolina State University. By day, Tom strives to build partnerships between ASSIST member universities and industry and government entities. By night he is an avid traveler, sports fan and DIY enthusiast.

Tom Snyder
NSF Center for Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies (ASSIST)
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running

Series: Microsoft Research Talks