Attention: We have transitioned to a new AAD or Microsoft Entra ID from the week of May 20, 2024. In case your tenant requires admin consent, please refer to this document located at Overview of user and admin consent - Microsoft Entra ID | Microsoft Learn and grant access to App ID: 6ba09155-cb24-475b-b24f-b4e28fc74365 with graph permissions for Directory.Read.All and User.Read for continued access. While the app may appear unverified, you can confirm its legitimacy by verifying the App ID provided.
4 entries found.
Microsoft Defender Antivirus detects and removes this threat.
This family of trojans can download and run other malware.
On March 6, 2018, behavior monitoring and machine learning technologies in Microsoft Defender Antivirus stopped a Dofoil variant (also known as Smoke Loader) that tried to infect more than 400,000 computers. The massive campaign aimed to install a cryptocurrency miner that uses victim computers' resources for coin mining purposes. Learn how artificial intelligence stopped the attack within minutes:
Behavior monitoring combined with machine learning spoils a massive Dofoil coin mining campaign
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