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May 18, 2021

Nonprofit BronxConnect uses Dynamics 365 to save time, apply for funding, and connect more with participants

The nonprofit BronxConnect works to keep young people out of jail and has sparked immense change in the communities where it works. The organization wanted to advance its mission and improve its services by understanding clients’ journey through its many programs. With the help of Microsoft’s Nonprofit Tech Acceleration (NTA) for Black and African American Communities program, BronxConnect now uses Microsoft Dynamics 365 to get a “single view” of formerly disjointed data to better serve clients.


“This database in Dynamics 365 is going to help us function more effectively to drive our goals and act on our vision. It’s going to help us connect youth to the services they need.”

Felicia Lemons, Director of Training and Strategic Initiatives, BronxConnect

Walk through the Bronx, a borough of New York City, and you might spot a bright orange T-shirt with the words “BronxConnect” printed on the front. Come closer and you may hear conversations about how to stop retaliatory gun violence or how to get an entry-level job that pays more than minimum wage. The effects of the nonprofit’s tireless work are nothing short of life-changing—and life-saving.

One impact: Following intensive community partnerships, BronxConnect’s efforts contributed to a 52 percent decrease in shootings in the precinct where it works.

Outreach is one part of BronxConnect’s work, which also includes wraparound services and connection to other vital resources for young people living in New York’s northern borough. It works by collaborating with other community-based initiatives and leaders, training young people in advocacy, and hiring “credible messengers,” people whom clients can relate to.

For example, Michael “Love” Rodriguez worked his way up in the organization to become an outreach worker supervisor. The 18 years he spent in prison serve as an opportunity to connect with young people who are at risk of entering, or have already been involved in, the criminal justice system.

“They don’t feel alone,” Rodriguez says of the young people he works with. “They know there’s somebody out there who cares, and they have an organization that cares … that helps them stay out of prison.”

Clunky legacy technology platforms and paper-based processes kept staff from maximizing time spent with clients and doing outreach. That’s why BronxConnect is building a new case management platform with Dynamics 365. With the support from Microsoft’s Nonprofit Tech Acceleration (NTA) for Black and African American Communities program and Microsoft partner HSO, BronxConnect is ready to better understand participants’ journey in programs, streamline administrative tasks, and enable staff to work more efficiently in the community.

“This database in Dynamics 365 is going to help us function more effectively to drive our goals and act on our vision,” says Felicia Lemons, director of training and strategic initiatives at BronxConnect. “It’s going to help us connect youth to the services they need.”

Upgrading a patchwork of legacy systems

BronxConnect’s technology challenges were rooted in what Lemons calls “a patchwork of disconnected systems.” One BronxConnect program had its own database, two used databases from a city agency it partnered with, and all the others collected information on various spreadsheets. Like many small nonprofits, BronxConnect had adopted solutions ad hoc to meet immediate needs, but the technology was not serving the organization long-term.

These systems also kept data in silos, so staff didn’t have visibility into the organization’s many programs, from employment readiness training to violence interruption. “We didn’t have one common truth in our data,” Lemons continues. That meant that it took a lot of emails, phone calls, and word-of-mouth conversations to learn if a client was participating in multiple programs.

BronxConnect staff also wanted to focus even more of their time working via a combination of mentorship, employment services, gun violence prevention, leadership training, and justice system alternatives. Administrative tasks, paperwork, searching for files, and pulling data from a range of spreadsheets took time away from the organization’s main goal: to keep young people out of jail.

“I don’t call our kids high-risk. I call them high-potential, low-resources,” says Rev. Wendy Calderon-Payne, executive director of BronxConnect. “This work is about love, action, and redemption. You never know the ripple effect of what you’re doing.”

Starting with case management

BronxConnect leadership decided to revamp its case management system, the backbone of all its services. Microsoft partner HSO proposed building a new case management platform in Dynamics 365, which would provide a comprehensive view of each participant’s engagement, allow data to flow seamlessly between programs, and automate repetitive tasks. HSO also suggested basing the platform on the Common Data Model, a set of standard data definitions allowing applications and solutions also built on the CDM to easily exchange data, which will help BronxConnect share information with partners and city agencies.

“The Dynamics 365 platform now grants them so much more accessibility to data and to the participant’s story,” explains Matthew Case, Dynamics 365 solution architect at HSO. “It also allows BronxConnect to automate and better organize touchpoints with participants.”

The team decided to use Microsoft products in part because the company “has proven solutions and a commitment to nonprofits,” says Michael Perez, a sales executive at HSO. “Microsoft has the backbone and foundation needed for this type of project.”

Microsoft founded NTA to support digital transformation in nonprofits serving Black and African American communities. With modern technology solutions, the nonprofits will be even better equipped to address racial disparities in the United States.

“BronxConnect is already having a massive impact on its community, and we’re working to give it the tools it needs to expand that impact,” says Darrell Booker, corporate affairs specialist with NTA. “Its new case management will allow them to provide the highest level of care for youth in their programs and make it easier for youth to benefit from other New York social services.”

Supporting clients from start to finish

BronxConnect’s primary need was to create a centralized access point for participant information. Dynamics 365 provided an easy-to-use platform where different programs’ data could connect.

“The database will help what I’m already doing by making it more efficient,” says Shanita Hill, a mental health coordinator at BronxConnect. Instead of taking notes and rewriting everything onto paper forms once she returns to her desk, she’ll be able to type everything directly into the Dynamics 365 database.

The automations in Dynamics 365 nonprofit accelerator, an app in Power Apps, also send reminders and use events entered into Dynamics 365 to auto-populate calendars. Hill, who works with 32 clients at a time or more, understandably appreciates nudges to follow up with a client. Time-sensitive tasks are critical for the organization, as some—such as a court report for a judge—are tied to continued funding.

“The platform definitely keeps me accountable to each of my clients so I can address their needs,” she says. “It helps me know my priorities.”

The efficiency translates into more time for clients. “Sessions have to be timed or limited because I have other duties and responsibilities,” says Hill. “This platform gives me more time to sit with individuals and assess their needs.”

The visibility into how clients are interacting with other parts of the nonprofit means case managers no longer have to sleuth out details about their clients. “Instead of calling three people to get an update on a client, I can now type in a person’s name to see what they’ve done, other case notes, and progress through a program. I’ll be able to see across the board,” says Hill.

The transparency helps the nonprofit make even better use of its funds. “Some of our participants meet criteria for several programs,” says Sekou Shakur, a case manager at BronxConnect. “If someone is getting services in another program, I can know that and not use limited resources to give them those same services.”

Connecting with clients on the go

BronxConnect staff work wherever their clients are—whether that’s a neighborhood park, a church, or a courtroom. The Dynamics 365 case management platform brings mobility to this “in your bones, boots on the ground kind of work,” Hill says.

The previous case management system could only be accessed via an outdated web browser that didn’t work on today’s devices. Staff wanted to break the tether to their desk to serve clients better out in the community.

“Whether we’re in the office, on a mobile device, or working from home, we now have all the documentation needed to provide quality service,” Shakur says. “We’re always connected so can access other coworkers, resources, and departments to get the job done.”

Some of those resources are now at their fingertips. For example, case managers can access a birth certificate, social security card, or resume—all of which are uploaded onto the Dynamics 365 platform and stored very securely behind industry-leading security features—when clients need them. Easy access enables clients to find jobs more quickly and with less effort from case managers.

Deepening funder relationships through transparency

In today’s climate, fundraising is more important than ever. “Nonprofits revolve around reports—to donors, stakeholders, even judges. Having a quicker way to get analytics will be life-changing for BronxConnect,” Case says.

As the nonprofit builds out its pool of data, it’ll be able to identify trends and extract more statistics, such as success rates filtered by participation in a given program. That level of detail is persuasive to funders, Lemons says.

One year, the nonprofit’s director of development, Pamela Villa, spent hours crunching numbers from spreadsheets to show a funder that the organization had exceeded its goals in youth outreach. Based on the data she presented, the funder increased their support by $50,000.

That was before BronxConnect had access to data stored in a platform like Dynamics 365. Staff will now be able to get vital statistics from a glance at a dashboard or run a more in-depth report with a few clicks.

Data presented in an easy-to-understand format also empowers the nonprofit to expand its services. For example, BronxConnect runs a reentry program for people who have recently left incarceration. Lemons looked at surveys and noted that many participants ranked high on needing therapeutic supports. She presented her case to funders and secured additional resources to hire a licensed clinical social worker. “I wouldn’t have been able to make that argument without relying on data to prove what we need,” Lemons says.

Demonstrating the real needs of clients, and the amount of funding the nonprofit requires to meet those needs, will now be much easier.

“I want to give every kid a second chance,” Calderon-Payne says. “With statistics, it gives something solid for funders and even judges to look at. That’s why I’m so excited about having more access to our data: Data shows our good work.”

Translating data into decisions

The robust data and analytics also deliver critical insights for internal decision making. “Data provides a baseline of where we are today and where we can go tomorrow,” Lemons says.

The nonprofit has been gathering data required by funders—for example, rates of re-arrest—but that doesn’t show the whole picture, Calderon-Payne says.

The organization plans on adding new metrics into the Dynamics 365 platform, such as self-confidence, quality of relationships with family, and reduction in drug use. A more holistic picture, accurately represented by data and not only anecdotes, will better demonstrate the far-reaching impact the nonprofit has on clients and communities.

“We can be more strategic about planning budgets for the coming years,” Lemons says. BronxConnect can set measurable goals, check progress against up-to-date data, and adjust when needed. The live data empowers it to pivot programming more quickly and communicate with supporters more regularly instead of relying on an annual report.

Analytics will also enable the nonprofit to make strategic decisions about expanding. Recently opened PhillyConnect, for example, may not need the same mix of services. “We can use data to nuance our services, decisions, and budget because one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to what the community needs,” Lemons says.

In a way, data helps BronxConnect listen to its beneficiaries. That compassionate understanding fuels everything staff do.

“I believe I am here to serve these young people, to encourage them and challenge them to be better,” Hill says. “It is our responsibility to give back to our communities. I carry that every day when I step in BronxConnect.”

“I want to give every kid a second chance. That’s why I’m so excited about having more access to our data: Data shows our good work.”

Rev. Wendy Calderon-Payne, Executive Director, BronxConnect

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