Each day, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) provides about one billion gallons of high-quality drinking water to nearly 10 million residents. Sourced from a watershed that extends more than 125 miles from the city, the water makes its way to homes and businesses from 19 reservoirs and 7,000 miles of water mains, tunnels, and aqueducts. DEP also manages wastewater with 14 in-city treatment plants.
In addition to its water operations, the DEP enforces air, noise, and hazardous materials rules as part of its mission to enrich the environment and protect public health. The department is dedicated to being a world-class utility while building a sustainable future for all New Yorkers. With service and innovation as two of their top values, the DEP is committed to taking a customer-focused approach in all they do and to embracing new ideas as they seek to improve their performance and customer service.
As part of that commitment, the department embarked on a major digital transformation initiative in 2019. The organization needed to modernize the technology that powered its customer information system (CIS) and its billing system to respond more effectively to customers’ needs. And since the DEP was migrating data from a system that was implemented in 1995, it was clear that a modern technology platform would be truly transformative for both customers and employees.
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