Kambukka is a premium Belgian brand creating trendy and eco-friendly drinking and eating vessels. Between its website and various online marketplaces, Kambukka handles between 80 to 150 orders per day. Prior to using Dynamics 365 Business Central, for every sale that the company made, one person had to manually adjust the amount of stock in the system and create an invoice. This process was time-consuming, subject to human inaccuracies, and took employee focus away from selling. To solve this, Kambukka turned to the connector application between Shopify and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. With the front- and back-end processes connected, the Kambukka team saves an entire day per month in working hours and is free to build relationships, focus on sales, and generally work faster, smarter, and better.
“Thanks to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, we can easily work towards peaks in several ways: control of stocks, managing orders, and keeping track of data and progress.”
Sabrina Ruzzi, Chief Marketing Officer, Kambukka
Ten years growing
Kambukka is the Swahili word for “enjoy, benefit, amuse” and the name chosen by a premium Belgian brand creating fashionable and eco-friendly drinking vessels like water bottles and insulated mugs, as well as snack containers. Over the last ten years, Kambukka has grown from a small online store to a well-regarded brand that handles 80 to 150 orders per day—and often more, during peak gift-giving seasons. Kambukka sells its products both on its own website and through multiple online marketplaces. To help manage its several points of sale, Kambukka operates on Shopify, an all-in-one commerce platform that helps people start, run, and grow businesses.
But as Kambukka has grown, its manual process for reconciling inventory between Shopify and its business software had largely stayed the same. Whenever a customer placed an order, it went to the fulfillment center automatically, but since the fulfillment and business software didn’t connect to one another, an employee needed to manually adjust the inventory levels between the two. Additionally, the “back-office” team at Kambukka used one software to look up order information, and the “front-end” e-commerce team used another to manage inventory and track online sales. This meant that Kambukka had a limited view of sales across channels and didn’t always have an accurate idea of how the business was performing.
Team up to integrate
Looking to connect all sides of the business and gain better visibility into sales, Kambukka turned to the Shopify connector app for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. According to Sabrina Ruzzi, the Chief Marketing Officer at Kambukka, this connector application has had a huge impact on workflows. “All orders are created automatically, stock levels are deducted from the right warehouse, and customer profiles are also created in Dynamics 365 Business Central. This has saved us immense time and effort, an entire day per month saved in simplified workflows.”
Now, Kambukka uses Microsoft Power BI to get better insights on sales performance, making analysis easier and faster. Day to day, Kambukka can see sales by channel, product SKU, and country, giving it the insight and verification its teams need to better manage profit margins and determine where marketing money is best spent. “Thanks to Power BI, we know our marketing spending and can better control sales versus costs,” says Ruzzi. Kambukka employees are also using Microsoft Teams to collaborate, share data and insights, and ensure both the business and e-commerce teams are in alignment with each other and the company’s overarching goals.
To implement the connector between Shopify and Dynamics 365 Business Central, Kambukka worked with Scapta, a Microsoft Cloud Partner Program member. “We were very lucky to talk with a professional team,” says Ruzzi. “With their help we managed to get a clear overview of what our options were and where we could make further improvements. As a small company, saving time with a team ultimately saves money.”
Staying true to “Kambukka”
Using the new solution, Kambukka can operate more efficiently and focus its efforts on fulfilling customer orders and growing operations. “We have time to focus on what’s relevant. We can rely on the system, and have a better day-to-day view of our business,” says Ruzzi. With these integrations and use of Microsoft apps, Kambukka employees can adapt on the fly to changes in their industry.
“We want to stay true to our name—with our products, obviously—but also with the way we work,” says Ruzzi. “Thanks to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, we can easily work towards peaks in several ways: control of stocks, managing orders, and keeping track of data and progress. That’s exciting and promises good times ahead—for us and our customers,” Ruzzi says.
Find out more about Kambukka on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
“We were very lucky to talk with a professional team. With their help we managed to get a clear overview of what our options were and where we could make further improvements.”
Sabrina Ruzzi, Chief Marketing Officer, Kambukka
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