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May 01, 2023

Doukas School unlocks the creative potential of students with the use of Surface devices and Microsoft 365

Doukas School provides advanced educational and sports programs for learners aged 3 to 18, in Athens, Greece. It is the first school in the country to have used one-to-one technology in the classroom and stays in the forefront of educational innovation by constantly investing in technology. In 2022, the school switched to Surface devices and implemented Microsoft 365 on all levels. This move enabled both students and staff to improve learning outcomes within a secure, sustainable and accessible environment.

Doukas School

Doukas School was founded in Greece in 1917, with a focus on developing the minds of young children in a holistic, forward-looking way. “The role of the school is not just to equip children with knowledge; it is to inspire them to learn and make the best of their capabilities,” says Eleni Doukas, General Director of Education at Doukas School. This thinking is evidenced by the school’s commitment to keep its programs and curricula at the cutting-edge of educational innovation. “In 2007, we became the first school in the country to have a one-to-one computing educational program,” adds Konstantinos  Doukas, CEO at Doukas School. 

Doukas School has incorporated Microsoft’s Education Transformation Framework into its innovative and learning-based model, recognizing the ever-evolving nature of technology and its continuous growth and development. "We want to educate global citizens with a Greek identity, providing them with 21st century competencies. Innovation and digital education are part of our everyday life,” says Konstantinos Doukas.

The proper devices for digital learning

Doukas School wanted an IT infrastructure that could match the vision of a great digital educational experience. “We needed to move to an ecosystem that could make the most of our programs. After an extensive pedagogical and technical assessment, we acquired Surface devices because of their interoperability, security, and even light weight,” says Maria Phillipi, Head of Digital Education at Doukas School. 

As the school began activating 1,300 student devices, software management became a key issue. “Our ICT department uses Microsoft Intune to manage student devices, ensuring a safe environment,” explains Maria Philippi, Head of Digital Education at Doukas School.   

Doukas School employs Azure Active Directory to control access to content and student data. “Everything became easier, from remote configuration to easy app access. We also have Smart Boards in all 85 of our smart classrooms that enable children connect and communicate with the class when they’re absent,” continues Eleni Doukas.

“We are aiming to eliminate the use of paper by going digital. Also, students with learning challenges can use Microsoft tools such as Immersive Reader in class to enhance reading comprehension and boost their confidence in all skills.”

Konstantinos Doukas, CEO, Doukas School.

Being digitally savvy pays dividends. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the institution had zero education hours lost by using Microsoft Teams and Surface devices for classes since day one. Doukas School has also expanded the use of Microsoft 365 with OneNote Class Notebook, Microsoft Sway, Microsoft Forms, Flip, and even Minecraft (for Education). “Our school strives to promote an inclusive and accessible education through environmentally sustainable practices. Hence, we are aiming to eliminate the use of paper by going digital,” explains Konstantinos Doukas. “Also, visually impaired students with learning challenges can utilize Microsoft tools such as Immersive Reader in class to enhance reading comprehension and boost their confidence in all skills.” 

Digital Education is not new for us. It enables us to connect anywhere and develop exciting projects relevant to our interests,” explains Christos Michalarakos, High School student at Doukas School. “Educators’ expertise, combined with Microsoft tools enhances the educational process and encourages my child’s digital literacy and creativity,” adds Maria Stamatopoulou, parent of an IB student. Doukas School promotes digital citizenship, providing students with opportunities to develop values, attitudes, knowledge and skills from an early age. 

Always looking to achieve more

Being digital natives, the students expanded the use of their classroom tools beyond school grounds. A group of International Baccalaureate (IB) students participated in Microsoft’s global competition Imagine Cup Junior. Using Power BI, Doukas School IB team developed a platform that evaluated the wellbeing of seafarers who were on board for an extended period of time. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the same team initiated a program called “IB there for you”, using Microsoft Teams to emotionally support other children in need. 

Today, more student-initiated projects are in progress "Our students have access to Microsoft Office Specialist training sessions and can utilize Microsoft Teams to instruct students in remote areas in Greece on a voluntary basis. The aim of the project is to help them obtain their certifications," says Eleni Doukas. 

There are even more exciting things in the pipeline for Doukas School. "We're looking very closely at Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects. For example, we have built our own robot and use digital assistants in class," says Konstantinos Doukas. It’s no surprise that the school already has its own robot assistant that offers information around the campus or carries heavy items.

It’s not just about projects, but also systems. "We're also planning to expand the use of Microsoft Teams to a full Learning Management System. As the world is becoming more interconnected, we are currently working on developing a unique curriculum on cybersecurity to fully equip our students for the future," concludes Eleni Doukas.  

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