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September 23, 2019

TD Bank Group: Focused on making every customer experience legendary

There’s great customer service, and then there’s legendary customer service. With the goal of creating legendary experiences for more than 26 million customers, TD Bank Group (TD), one of North America’s largest banks, knows that keeping up with changes in customer expectations and anticipating their needs is critical. As part of its focus on staying close to customer needs, TD’s digital experience team is leveraging the company’s investment in Microsoft Azure to deepen relationships with its customers.

TD Bank Group

“Five years ago, it was enough to provide online bill pay or mobile balance inquiries,” explains Imran Khan, Head of Digital Experience at TD. “Customers still appreciate those conveniences, but now they’re looking to us to provide additional services and proactive advice to help them make better decisions; they expect more intelligent services to help them feel financially confident. For us, that means finding new ways to draw deeper insights from the information we have.”

Just how much information are we talking about? TD generates hundreds of millions of digital records every day. Making sense of all that information is a journey that has taken TD from a traditional on-premises IT infrastructure to the cloud.

“Our Azure investment is helping to quickly drive a 360-degree view of our customers, so we can build deeper relationships with them.”

Imran Khan, Head of Digital Experience, TD Bank Group

Leveraging the benefits of the cloud—to connect with customers

TD has been innovating in the digital space for many years and currently has more than 13 million digitally active customers. 

“We receive feedback from customers every day, from many different sources,” says Khan. “Our idea was to find new ways to connect customer behavior with the general feedback we receive so we can identify insights and improve the overall experience.”

With the move to Microsoft Azure, TD gained the benefits of the cloud—scalability, agility, and flexibility—but the move also set the stage for complex information processing capabilities that in the past might have taken engineers significantly more time. “For advanced processing, the cloud is a great option,” says Khan. “We’ve unlocked tremendous possibilities for unearthing new customer insights and making new connections that drive better experiences and increase customer engagement.”

For Khan, the customer analysis project was one of the first initiatives leveraging Azure that was aimed at unearthing insights and connections in context rather than in isolation. “We’ve been working on understanding this data, and we have hypotheses about what factors are most important, but we needed a way to validate those hypotheses,” says Khan. 

Azure was able to deliver detailed results about the factors influencing customer satisfaction. Whether that’s a focus on how easy it is to use TD’s products and services, the feeling of trust the customer has, or the ability to find the right information, TD knows just how important each step of the customer’s journey is to their feeling about the experience.

Having its computing resources in Azure brought TD another important benefit: speed. “Working in the cloud gave us faster access to key insights,” says Khan. “Our Azure investment is helping to quickly drive a 360-degree view of our customers, so we can build deeper relationships with them.”

For TD, the drive to offer legendary customer experiences is ever-present. “In an era of rapidly evolving customer expectations, we always strive to help our customers live better lives through products and services that build financial confidence,” says Khan. “The technology platforms that are helping us learn more about our customers are playing a critical role in our efforts to deepen our relationships with them.”

Find out more about TD Bank on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

“We receive feedback from customers every day, from many different sources. Our idea was to find new ways to connect customer behavior with the general feedback we receive so we can identify insights and improve the overall experience.”

Imran Khan, Head of Digital Experience, TD Bank Group

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