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October 18, 2019

Digital tools encourage teachers, improve student learning

Digital tools are a great opportunity for teachers, and it’s especially important for children with reduced mobility to participate in classes with online solutions. Empowered by Office 365 and the Microsoft Innovative School Program, teachers at Budapest school Mozgásjavító helps students improve learning experience.

Mozgasjavito Ovoda Altalanos Iskola Gimnazium Szakgimnazium EGYMI

“We started using Microsoft Office 365 a good two years ago.  We use all its functions for our internal communications and teaching,” says Alajos Locsmándi, Principal at Mozgásjavító. “We primarily use Teams and OneNote solutions.  All staff and students have their own Office 365 accounts.”

“This first needed someone to initiate the transit,” adds Rita Révész, Deputy Principal at Mozgásjavító. “Anna Barsy joined our team three years ago and was the pioneer of the initiative, although colleagues were also keen on showing each other how to use the various tools, and we also invited external presenters.”

“Three years ago we marveled at such things, but now we have come to like and use them in our daily endeavors,” notes Locsmándi. 

Révész chimes in. “We joined the Microsoft Innovative School Program two years ago and received lots of information from them.  Being a Microsoft Innovator Educator (MIE) expert, Anna Barsy also brought us lots of knowledge,” she adds. 

Year of Digital Knowledge

According to Révész, the Movement Correction Institute has a motto for each school year.  Last year was the Year of Digital Knowledge, which the school has broadened for this year. 

Locsmándi emphasizes that the use of digital tools improves problem solving skills, which in turn brings a new perspective to both learning and teaching―regardless of subject matter. 

“We have these opportunities that allow us to bring about real change, to convert all this to knowledge with the active participation of the children, which is really motivating for them,” he explains. 

Although initially wary, the teaching staff was very receptive to the new opportunities provided by these digital tools. Most teachers immediately saw the potential in technology, and have been keen on using it ever since. 

Two years ago, the school set up a digital working group that horizontally connects the various fields and supports innovation. Students have the opportunity to playfully try their hand at the basics of programming in the newly created robotics room, while tools like Teams assist students who can only join the class remotely due to illness or therapy. 

“I would advise other schools to support the introduction of similar tools and to raise teacher awareness that the kids attending school today grow up with these tools,” concludes Locsmándi. “Courage and the willingness to experiment, make mistakes, and learn from them is imperative!”

“We joined the Microsoft Innovative School Program two years ago and received lots of information from them.”

Rita Révész, Deputy Principal, Mozgásjavító Óvoda, Általános Iskola, Gimnázium, Szakgimnázium, Egységes Gyógypedagógiai Módszertani Intézmény és Kollégium

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