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Start your engines! The most vibrant, super-charged and critically acclaimed racing game has finally made it's way to Windows Store! Welcome to the world of Mini Motor Racing. A high-octane battle royal, Mini Motor Racing has all the style of classic arcade racers combined with the explosive action of modern racing games. Take to the track in over 300 races in the massive career mode, upgrading your ride and expanding your garage as you progress. Slide to Play: 4 out of 4 – Must Have "We wholeheartedly recommend it … looks fantastic ... and is just gosh darn fun to play ... If you've been wanting for an arcade-style racing game, this is the one to back out of the garage." Touch Gen: "With impressive graphics, great controls, and a host of unlock-able tracks and cars, it could be the best example of the top down racer yet." AppSpy: "Gorgeous visual design; luscious, colorful environments and cute chubby vehicles ... the controls feel fantastic with slide controls having an almost analogue smoothness to them and touch-buttons providing a decent alternative." Mini Motor Racing: Little Cars, BIG Fun!

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Copyright 2014 NextGen Reality Pty. Ltd.

Desarrollado por


Fecha de lanzamiento


Tamaño aproximado

1,95 GB

Clasificación por edades

Apropiado hasta 3 años


Carreras y vuelo

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Obtén esta aplicación cuando hayas iniciado sesión en tu cuenta Microsoft e instálala en hasta diez dispositivos Windows 10.

Idioma compatible

English (United States)

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