

Digital Huarong Dao is a classic math puzzle game. Tap and move the wooden digital tiles, enjoy the magic of numbers and coordinate your eyes, hands and brain. Challenge your logic and wisdom, enjoy it! How to play? The sliding puzzle game consists of a frame of square tiles numbered in random order, one of which is missing. The purpose of the puzzle is to place the tiles in an orderly manner by using the sliding motion of the empty space. Endless challenge mode, challenge your logical thinking and thinking limit A mini game to practice your mind, try your strongest brain, move the numbers to the blank space beside it, and finally complete the correct arrangement of the numbers from 1-15. Come and challenge together.


Na ’s toigh le daoine cuideachd

Fiosrachadh a bharrachd

Foillsichte le


Ceann-là sgaoilidh


Meud mu thuaiream

4.62 MB

Rangachadh aoise

Aois 3 agus nas sine



Nì an aplacaid seo na leanas

Cothrom fhaighinn air a’ cheangal agad ris an eadar-lìon


Faigh an aplacaid seo fhad ’s a bhios tu clàraichte a-staigh sa chunntas Microsoft agad is stàlaich e air suas ri deich uidheaman Windows 10.

Taic ris a’ chànan

English (United States)

Teirmichean a bharrachd

Teirmichean an tar-chuir

Dèan aithris air a’ bhathar

Clàraich a-steach gus aithris a dhèanamh air a’ gheama seo gu Microsoft
Dèan aithris gu bheil susbaint mhì-laghail sa bhathar seo

Aithris-àichidh laghail

Theisteanaich an reiceadair nach tairg iad ach batharan no seirbheisean a ghèilleas ris gach lagh iomchaidh