

Hexa Block Puzzle is a challenging and pleasant puzzle game. The rules of the game are very simple, just drag and drop all the hexagonal squares onto the board and then put them into the entire frame. Easy to play, a pleasant game suitable for people of all ages. Move blocks to fill the squares and collect blocks to level up! Keep your brain active and sharp, think about all possibilities, and try to fill the squares without using prompt buttons. How to play? • Drag the blocks to move them. • Try to fit them all into the frame • The block cannot be rotated. •do not worry! no time limit! feature • Block puzzle -Smooth effect of block puzzle game! -Play easily and quickly.


Na ’s toigh le daoine cuideachd

Fiosrachadh a bharrachd

Foillsichte le

Central software

Ceann-là sgaoilidh


Meud mu thuaiream

7.87 MB

Rangachadh aoise

Aois 3 agus nas sine



Nì an aplacaid seo na leanas

Cothrom fhaighinn air a’ cheangal agad ris an eadar-lìon


Faigh an aplacaid seo fhad ’s a bhios tu clàraichte a-staigh sa chunntas Microsoft agad is stàlaich e air suas ri deich uidheaman Windows 10.

Taic ris a’ chànan

English (United States)

Teirmichean a bharrachd

Teirmichean an tar-chuir

Dèan aithris air a’ bhathar

Clàraich a-steach gus aithris a dhèanamh air a’ gheama seo gu Microsoft
Dèan aithris gu bheil susbaint mhì-laghail sa bhathar seo

Aithris-àichidh laghail

Theisteanaich an reiceadair nach tairg iad ach batharan no seirbheisean a ghèilleas ris gach lagh iomchaidh