Désiré is a poetic point-and-click adventure game in black and white. When the schoolteacher asks Désiré why he didn't draw the sun like the other pupils, he replies spontaneously: « It's always night in my head. » Désiré is colour-blind from birth and he will lead you into in world of black and white. He marches on hesitantly, as life never brought him much joy. From a tender age, he is going to meet several characters who will elicit in Désiré intense emotions and alter his vision in surprising ways. Is colour at the end of the road? The game is, at its core, a critique of the modern world and of the perverting nature of a consumer, profit-obsessed society. The game contains 4 chapters, 50+ scenes, 40+ characters and a lot of riddles.
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Sylvain SecciaSzerzői jogok
Copyright © 2016 Sylvain SecciaFejlesztő:
Sylvain SecciaMegjelenés dátuma
2016. 05. 10.Hozzávetőleges méret
279,07 MBKorhatár-besorolás
16 éves kortólKategória
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Az alkalmazás Microsoft-fiókkal bejelentkezve szerezhető be és telepíthető legfeljebb tíz Windows 10-es eszközre.Támogatott nyelv
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