Dreamworks Dragons Dawn of New Riders and Crayola Scoot
A(z) Dreamworks Dragons Dawn of New Riders and Crayola Scoot jelenleg nem érhető el.


Dreamworks Dragons Dawn of New Riders - Join the new heroic duo, Scribbler and Patch, in an epic battle to save dragons and defeat the villain, Eir, who is controlling dragons to carry out her evil plans. Clash against fierce enemies, explore new and familiar locations, and meet many favorite DreamWorks Dragons characters in this fun and fiery action adventure. Crayola Scoot - Make your mark in this color-powered trick scooter championship! The crazier your combos, the more color you’ll splash on the scootpark – and in Crayola Scoot, color can change the world!


További információ


Outright Games Ltd


Climax Studios Ltd

Megjelenés dátuma

2019. 09. 11.


7 éves kortól


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