

Light It Up! - It’s a dark world out there for a teeny little stickman flip master like you, and it’s about time you light-it up and make the colors glow. Swing, jump, flip and slide your stickman flip master body from one neon color shape to another to make them glow and light-it up. Flip the jump and slide your stickman, let him pass between the neon-shaped objects and light them. Increase your score by collecting stars by flipping jumps. When you feel that you are starting to get rich and fall in love with colorful neon lights, the level is even more difficult. The shape begins to move, and the rotation is even an explosion. The deadly spikes in the colored lights will constantly threaten the life of the stickman. If you fail, flip the mistake, or hit the spike directly... you will fall into the abyss! Ready to light up the world? How about a stickman? Ready to flip and jump to light up the world? Collect stars as you swing, jump and flip to raise your score. Just when you start to feel like a stickman flip master boss and are loving that color glow, things get complicated (or “sticky,” if you will) as you jump, flip and pass levels. Color shapes start moving, rotating and even exploding, and lethal spikes become a constant threat to your poor little stickman life. If you miss a jump, if your swing’s a dud, if your flip isn’t on point, or if you hit a spike… you fall into oblivion! Light It Up is free awesome game ! Light-It Up !! So what do you say, stickman? Ready to swing, jump, flip, light-it up and glow? You are living in a dark world like this teeny little stickman. So make the colors around you glow, light up!


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További információ


Modern Free Games Studios

Megjelenés dátuma

2020. 11. 04.

Hozzávetőleges méret

31,09 MB


3 éves kortól


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English (United States)

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