1 675,00 ₸
1 675,00 ₸


Your friend, journalist Kate Turner, has an important task: she is to solve the mysteries of the Snowy Peak hotel. Missing guests, terrified staff, ghosts, a suspicious hotel owner… Something isn’t right. The thing is that no one likes curious journalists, especially if they have something to hide. Kate goes missing. You are to find your friend and reveal the secrets of the haunted hotel along the way. Unfortunately, the truth is hidden somewhere beyond this world, so you may need all your knowledge of the supernatural. Are you sure you can handle this? Then… What are you waiting for? Face the world of the unknown! Solve the incredible puzzles and mini-games to earn a variety of achievements! Look for the collectibles and morphing objects to get to know the “Snowy Peak” hotel past. Learn more about your family history in the Bonus Chapter!


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Do Games Limited

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© 2021 DominiGames, Ltd



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Қолдау көрсетілетін тіл

English (United States)

Жариялаушы ақпараты

Mystical Riddles: Snowy Peak Hotel веб-торабы

Осы өнімді хабарлау

Кіру арқылы осы ойын туралы Microsoft компаниясына хабарлаңыз
Есеп заңсыз мазмұнға арналған осы өнім

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