₩1,200앱에서 바로 구매 기능 제공
+ 앱에서 바로 구매 기능 제공


How to play: Click the Play button on the bottom center (the one on the top right is for the intro), use "A" and "D" keys to turn and "Space" to jump. Ultra Fun Games presents a new type of infinity runner with this hot new release! Ninja Maze Run! Experience the thrill, beat your high score or your friends' high score and collect tokens to unlock all the 16 skins! Run through a large variety of maze-like citadels of ancient Asia to find the hidden tokens and reach the hidden city of Shamballa! Welcome, great hero! Thank you for agreeing to helping us in this important quest! The masters of our land have hidden some magic tokens in the center of every town and city. They can only be collected with the special magical item that I gave you earlier. They only should be collected in case of emergency and now it is the time, as the prophecy says too. We need you to run and collect as many as you can! Some are visible, but most of them are hidden! Avoid all obstacles cause they will cost you health points! The tokens will increase your Health Points or Mana Shield, as they contain great energy inside them! There is no time to waste! Run only forward all the time! Go!


피플 추천

추가 정보


Ultra Fun Games


Ultra Fun Games


Ultra Fun Games (ultrafungames.com)



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전체 이용가


Microsoft 계정에 로그인한 상태에서 이 앱을 다운로드한 후 최대 10대의 Windows 10 디바이스에 설치할 수 있습니다.

지원되는 언어

English (United States)

서비스 계약 추가 내용

거래 계약

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로그인 이 게임을 Microsoft에 보고하세요.
신고하기 이 제품은 불법 콘텐츠임

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