
Орнотуу үчүн администратордун уруксаты талап кылынат. Талап кылынган минималдуу OS: Windows 10 Май 2019 ЖаңыртуусуСистемалык талаптарды көрүңүз



Listeria Wars is a real-time tactical game. You defend against the pathogenic microbes, attacking a single, infected organism. A key feature of Listeria Wars is the parallel viewing experience. In addition to the main game process, you can view the life of the human whose body has become the pathogenic battlefield. The action in Listeria Wars takes place within the hero's body. You can see everything that happens to the host’s body in real-time. You manage various types of immune system cells, to protect the body and fend off attacks, from deadly contagions. The body’s immune system develops antibodies, as the action takes place. The game illustrates a person’s ability to be his own worst enemy: by neglecting personal hygiene, or ingesting rotten food, or failing to follow “social distancing”. You can also view the body’s use of involuntary immune system responses, such as vomiting and diarrhea. The goal is to protect and defend the infected body, from the deadly pathogens. Key features: FUNNY ADVENTURES OF THE HERO: Watch the effects of malicious pathogens and influence the immune system’s response. CONVENIENT MANAGEMENT: Leukocytes attack intuitively, depending on the situation. Gamers can place these cells strategically and monitor the overall course of defense. PATHOGEN DIVERSITY: Realistic infections, microbes, viruses, bacteria, and other harmful pathogens. TACTICS: Manage unique leukocytes using their tactical advantages against the various pathogens, infecting the host. CATALOG: A log of medical descriptions of the types of immune cells, pathogens, and processes within the body. IMPROVEMENTS: To build a more effective defense, you may build improvements into the defenses of the immune system. ATMOSPHERIC MUSIC: Featuring an original soundtrack from Nuclear Mushroom Boom!

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Rubel Games

Аркылуу иштеп чыгарылган

Rubel Games

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Windows 10 түзмөгүнүн S-режиминде орнотулбайт


Windows 10 компьютерине орнотуп, Microsoft каттоо жазууңузга туташканыңызда мүмкүндүк алыңыз. Орнотуу үчүн администратордун уруксаты талап кылынат

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