

A mysterious murderer does terrible things with his victims. Who is this cruel person, and is he a person at all? Twin detectives, named Eleanor and Randall have a case to solve! A crime has been committed in a movie theater and the victim lost all the blood, the culprit was even nicknamed Dracula. There is an assumption, that the crime was committed by the victim's friend, when the twins get to the bottom of what happened, the case takes an unexpected turn! The real criminal was always beside them. And the twins are dealing with dark magic... again. Solve many puzzles and beat exciting challenges in this Hidden-Object Puzzle Adventure game to get to the truth and save innocent people! Find out the terrible truth about the fatal love triangle as Eleanor in the Bonus Chapter! Play and re-play your favorite puzzles and mini-games to earn a variety of achievements! Enjoy bonus materials that include concept art, wallpapers, music, and more! Gather collectibles and look for morphing objects!

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Do Games Limited

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© 2022 DominiGames, Ltd

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