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From Domini Games, the studio that brought you Dark Romance series, comes the latest adventure in the Labyrinths of the World saga! For centuries, the noble muse Calliope has blessed all kinds of artists who have traveled to her city and asked her for inspiration. Today the city is famous for artists and attracts people from all over the world. But when a dark force tears Calliope's essence into three parts, you must step in and gather them back together, before the whole world loses its creativity. Calliope's essence has fled into art buildings and sealed itself away and anyone trapped inside. But beware, someone is watching from the shadows and they are coveting Calliope's powers for their own dark desires.

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Informações adicionais

Publicado por

Big Fish Games

Direitos autorais

© 2018, Big Fish Games, Inc. All other trademarks, registered trademarks, or logos are the property of their respective owners.

Desenvolvido por

Domini Games

Data de lançamento


Tamanho aproximado

1,34 GB

Classificação etária

Para todas as idades


Ação e aventura

Este app pode

Aceder a todos os ficheiros, dispositivos periféricos, aplicações, programas e registo


Instale em seu computador Windows 10 e tenha acesso quando estiver conectado a uma conta Microsoft

Idioma compatível

English (United States)

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