R$ 16,45
R$ 16,45


There is an unusual cabin deep in the woods. It had served as a laboratory and a dwelling for three generations of Lodgers. But as of late the latest Lodger has been noticing weird changes in familiar surroundings; things are missing, noises and rattle heard. Something odd is coming out of the woods. Come night, it seems like someone's made himself at home in the twilight of rooms, attics, and cellars. You need to stay awake and sane till dawn. The Lodger is wandering the rooms, evading the unknown, counting minutes till morning. But it's only in the night that he can solve the main puzzle and find the answers. What's going on? Are the Guests real, or are they just figments of his insomniac imagination? What'd happened to the forest? What's happening to the cabin? Is there a line between reality and imagination?

Capturas de tela

O que as pessoas também gostam


  • Hide! Play hide-and-seek with denizens of your nightmares.
  • Don't look now! The goal of each night is to reach dawn while still sane.
  • Fill in the gaps. The house aids the Lodger. You only have to fix it up and keep it in order.
  • Seek. The Lodger has lost something very important. The reason for what is happening is somewhere inside. Everything that is happening can be explained, you only need to find the key.
  • Wait. In this game you need to watch and listen carefully. Inspect and scrutinize. You only have to last until the sunrise.
  • Follow the rules of the game! Of course you must first understand the game being played with you.

Informações adicionais

Publicado por

Ice-Pick Lodge

Direitos autorais

©Ice-Pick Lodge 2014

Desenvolvido por

Ice-Pick Lodge

Data de lançamento


Tamanho aproximado

210,74 MB

Classificação etária

Para maiores de 12 anos



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Baixe este app enquanto estiver conectado em sua conta da Microsoft e instale-o em até dez dispositivos Windows 10.

Idioma compatível

Deutsch (Deutschland)
English (United States)
日本語 (日本)
Polski (Polska)
Русский (Россия)

Informações do Fornecedor

Suporte do Knock-Knock

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