The Forza Horizon 2 Deluxe Edition includes the full game of Forza Horizon 2, the Forza Hub app for Xbox One, VIP cars and membership, and the Ten Year Anniversary Car Pack, which features 10 specially tuned and liveried cars, including the 2009 Ferrari 458 Italia, the 2015 Lamborghini Hurácan and the 2013 McLaren P1™. With Forza Hub, collect Forza Rewards, check out the latest Forza news, and much more. VIP membership includes the five-car VIP Car Pack (2012 Lamborghini Urus, 2014 Tesla Model S, 1967 Ferrari 330 P4, 1949 Mercury Coupe, and the 2013 Donkervoort D8 GTO), 2x player reward acceleration, access to exclusive game events, in-game gifts from the Forza community team, and special in-game recognition.
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Microsoft StudiosVývojár:
Playground GamesDátum vydania
18. 8. 2015Inštalácia
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