Captain Pegleg

Captain Pegleg

xeamAkcija i avanturaPorodica i decaPlatforme


On their journey across the South Pacific, something incredible happens to Captain Pegleg and his crew. They find themselves stranded on an island, where our Captain goes on a treasure hunt and tries to hijack a new ship to escape while his crew is…. doing absolutely nothing!? Captain Pegleg needs you to join him on this challenging journey. Help him find treasures and escape the island. *** IGDA Rating 8.2/10 ***

Published by


Developed by


Release date


Playable on

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PC


  • Локална игра за више играча
  • HDR10
  • Један играч
  • Дељен/подељен екран
  • Варијабилна учесталост освјежавања
  • Xbox Live