Şurada mevcut
Are you ready to face your fears? You are in a hospital corridor which fear and horror in nested. You are feeling which fear and death pester to you in every step. In a hospital which contains paranormal activities, it is very difficult to survive if your nerves is not hard as steel. You can't determine who is angel who is devil. Extraordinary atmosphere, nervous scenario and blood-curdling flow, you are one step ahead of comic book horror game. In second story, young girl couldn't get rid of nightmares and curiosity. There is only way to get rid of this hell which threaten her mental health. Face it! Of course young man won't leave alone the girl and our story continues from where it left. If you have courage, what are you waiting for? - Amazing graphics - Detailed areas - Unique musics - Completely free
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Heisen GamesTelif hakkı
Heisen GamesGeliştiren
Heisen GamesÇıkış tarihi
7.11.2016Yaklaşık boyutu
126,3 MBYaş derecelendirmesi
12 yaş ve üzeri içinKategori
Aksiyon ve maceraBu uygulamayla yapılabilecekler
İnternet bağlantınıza erişinYükleme
Microsoft hesabınıza oturum açtığınızda bu uygulamayı edinin ve en fazla on Windows 10 cihazına yükleyin.Dil destekleniyor
English (United States)Yayıncı Bilgisi
Horror Hospital 2 web sitesiHorror Hospital 2 desteği
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