Windows Mixed Reality 游戏

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Scrap Attack


Enter the deep and mysterious caves of Planet Botanika, where the Boltheads are hell-bent on the destruction of the ancient Botanite Crystals. Your mission to defend them at all costs, against unrelenting waves of frenzied robots.

Dual-wield sci-fi technicolour weaponry and engage the Boltheads in high energy, frantic power-up infused gunplay, inspired by ancient “human arcade games".

•Feel the satisfaction of blasting away waves of evil robots in an immersive arcade style shooter.
•Defend the crystal from the 5 ruthless enemy types with awesome sci-fi weaponry.
•3 different arenas of varying difficulties for you to master, and vie to the top score locally and online.
•High action arcade inspired gunplay, with recently added dual-wielding and power-ups![/list]

Our latest intel has revealed the Boltheads have deployed 6 Units Types to cave systems within this quadrant:

Scrapper: The cannon fodder unit. Weak individually, but a threat in large numbers. The Scrappers are looking for each and every moment to goof off, and you're all that's stopping them.

Hammerhead: Named after their unique head shape, the Hammerhead will engage with you at a medium range with their blasters. Be wary of their charged attacks!

Brute: In desperate need of anger management. While slow, in close range the Brute is devastating. Take them down as soon as you can!

Swarmer: Fragile, and highly mobile. The swarmer is the glass cannon of the Boltheads, and one of the only two enemy units that attack from the air. Deadly if you allow their numbers to build up in numbers.

Big Red: Useless at a range, but up close Big Red will self-destruct, dealing terrifying amounts of damage to you or the crystal. Eliminate as soon as possible at all costs.

Jericho: Our scouts have reported that the Boltheads are developed a new flight unit, one which fires cluster missiles from the skies! Be vigilant, and don’t stay still for too long.

How far will you push yourself to protect the crystal from the Bolthead onslaught?


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画坛:有史以来第一款能够让您与来自五湖四海的男女老少朋友们一起进行3D立体绘画交流和彩弹游戏的平台。这是一款基于微软新一代视窗混合现实操作系统(Windows Mixed Reality)的应用程序,客户端可以用全息镜(HoloLens)或沉浸头盔(Immersive Headset)这两种设备参与。全新人工智能机器人给新玩家上一课!



原创概念: 今天的许多虚拟现实游戏旨在提高画面效果和刺激,但却越来越孤立玩家。我们认为视窗混合现实操作系统可以突破这个弊端。我们决定设计一个老少皆宜的休闲游戏,让大家可以在混合现实空间中娱乐,分享和交流。在冥思苦想中,我们得到了来自一个经典的互动益智游戏的启发,同时我们也看到了混合现实运动遥控器(Motion Controllers)的卓越功能,而深受所鼓舞,所以画坛就此诞生了。为此,我们还要非常感谢微软混合现实学院提供的画笔教材。

说明:您将需要全息镜(HoloLens)或沉浸头盔(Immersive Headset)配上运动遥控器(Motion Controllers)来享受这个体验。

如果想要得心应手,请保持自然站立的姿势。如果在程序启动后,您觉得自己处于不正确的高度,只需站好,直视前方,然后说或点击“Reset Floor Level”来重设地面水平即可。


切换”Painting On" 至 “Paint Balling" 会把游戏模式由绘画猜谜变成彩弹射击。一满罐有100弹。每5秒可以点击菜单上的“Refill 20 Paintballs" 或者说“Refill Paint Ball"来上20弹。凭借自身的灵敏,可以躲开飞来的彩弹。也可以用瞬移才找更好的位置。把其他玩家的血量消耗到零便可得分。他们将进入幽灵状态,在10秒之后复活于一个随机地点。

沉浸头盔(Immersive Headset)配上运动遥控器(Motion Controllers):在启动程序之前,请依照视窗混合现实操作系统的指示,设置好边界。进入程序后,在油画模式中”Painting On“,一旦你看到你的机器人右手拿着油漆刷,你便可以按下右手扳机开始绘制。在彩弹模式中”Paint Balling“, 你可以用右手遥控器来瞄准,扣动扳机来发弹。

一旦你看到你的机器人左臂拿着一个运动遥控器,你可以使用触摸板来选择颜色。或者,您也可以点击“Pick Color”调出大色轮来选择颜色。

如果您有一笔没画好,可以说“Erase Last Stroke”或者按一下右手侧捏键,来擦掉上一笔。您也可以说可以说“Erase All Strokes”来清除你之前所有的笔画。


如果要进行空间穿梭,首先点击控制面板上的右中键,以确保其显示 “Teleport On”。然后用一个运动遥控器将光标指向地板,并向前按住摇杆,直到出现箭头标记,然后释放摇杆来完成穿梭。

全息镜(HoloLens):您可以用凌空点击手势(Air Tap)来选择前方控制面板上的选项(请看胸部以下)。您可以使用以上叙述的英文语音口令。如要绘画,请先确保控制面板显示“Painting On”,然后你可以把手伸到你的面前,捏住并拖动画笔,凌空作画。在”Paint Balling“ 时,用目光瞄准, 凌空点击就会发弹。

在用全息镜(HoloLens) 进行空间穿梭之前,请确保控制面板显示“Teleport On”。然后,你可以用你的目光瞄准,然后凌空点击横跨地图!如果控制面板阻碍了你的视线,你也可以隐藏猜测窗口和面板。




找出逃离实验室的路,查清到底发生了什么事情。在你的旅程中你将遇见魅姬,一个有着黑暗历史的、拥有特殊能力的神秘女孩——与她合作逃离实验室,并展现 OVERTURN(毁灭) 的秘密吧!

OVERTURN(毁灭)是第一人称射击和益智冒险相结合的游戏,为玩家提供了身临其境的感受充满了动作体验的世界的机会。从一个庞大的武器库中选择武器,可以是激光枪、能量剑、甚至是你的双拳去摧毁你的敌人。 OVERTURN(毁灭)紧凑并敏感的战斗系统,为玩家提供了高自由度的攻击和防御方式。进入 OVERTURN(毁灭)——一个充满了强大敌人的危险的奇幻世界,感受无限的动作体验和让你欲罢不能的故事情节,直到终结。

1. 一款结合了冒险和解密的FPS游戏
2. 神秘而新颖的故事情节让你欲罢不能
如何逃离囚禁你的实验室呢? 通过游戏中角色的叙述,帮你解开隐藏在实验室背后的复杂的故事情节。
3. 通过使用各种武器体验极限的VR射击

• 来自论坛社区玩家的概念艺术
在游戏中找到并解锁著名的美术家创作美丽的 OVERTURN(毁灭)插图。

见将陪伴你整个旅程的魅姬吧!在你逃离实验室的过程中,魅姬拥有特殊的能力会为你提供帮助, 问题是——魅姬是谁?你能毫无保留的信任她吗?

1. 无限充能: 能让你立即发动充能射击,只需要激光枪一发强力的射击就能消灭你的敌人。
2. 放慢时间: 影响你周围的所有事物,使他们变得缓慢,快速的移动,并对你的敌人发出致命一击。
3. 防护膜: 创造持续几分钟的无敌防护膜,防御敌人的所有攻击,不受任何伤害。
4. 道具-HP: 魅姬能够制造在战斗中立即回复生命值的HP道具。
5. 道具-手榴弹: 魅姬能够制造掷向敌人的手榴弹,手榴弹爆炸时会对敌人造成大量伤害。
6. 魅姬战斗模式: 魅姬的援护!短时间内魔奇将转化为战斗模式,来帮助你清除区域内的敌人。

• 多人对战 - PVP竞技场模式:该模式是最多由6名玩家同时参与的多人竞技模式~快来畅玩OVERTURN激爽无比的PVP大战吧!最后的赢家,还能将自己的大名刻印在排行榜上的巅峰王座上!

Heroes of the seven seas







VirZOOM Arcade


Say goodbye to your boring workout: VirZOOM Arcade is an ever-expanding collection of virtual reality exercise games powered by YOU. Hop on an exercise bike in the real world to control your speed in Windows Mixed Reality. Attach a VZ Sensor to your own exercise bike, or get the VZ Bike Controller with built-in buttons, triggers, and resistance settings, available from and from local and online retailers. With a diverse collection of exercise games to choose from, whatever your tastes, VirZOOM Arcade provides VR that moves you.

"A surprisingly effective way to make exercise feel like anything but."
- Engadget

"I never want to get off this bike."
- The Today Show

"Whoa! Oh my god!"
- The View


• Pedal faster to move faster in the game. Turn your head to aim your tank's cannon, lean to weave between cyclists, bend to dive and swoop on a Pegasus, and press with perfect timing to lasso bandits on horseback!

• Get into the game with specially-designed motion-control technology that makes you feel like you're really moving and dramatically cuts down on VR sickness

• Play alone or with friends with drop-in, drop-out online multiplayer, or pass your headset to a friend and take turns in person with Hotseat mode

• Experience a range of game types for the whole family, from head-to-head tank and mech battles to gently paddling around with ducks on a pond

• Set up custom and timed workout routines with your favorite VirZOOM Arcade games

• Track workout times, calories burned, leaderboard standing, challenge invitations, and more at

• Sync with Strava and Fitbit to make it easy to see all your workout data at once

• Requires Windows Mixed Reality headset

Play VR. Get Fit.™

Neon VR


A nostalgia-fuelled first person shoot 'em up inspired by classic arcade games.

Save the Earth, burn the Sun.

To pay off your life debts you’ve been uploaded to one of millions of nano-workbots in the Sun’s core to prevent solar flares by breaking down neon isotopes.

You control an ion cannon in a 360º gravitationally affected environment, firing positive and negative ions using left & right triggers at incoming neon isotopes of varying ‘charge’ to eliminate them.
Neon uses a modern day reboot of the classic retro arcade style. Featuring vector polygonal lines and surfaces illuminated by pulsating neon lighting with immersive 360º action.

Each of the 42 levels of the game have been carefully crafted with each formation requiring a different strategy to achieve best times. There’s a solid sense of progression and a steady ramping up of difficulty - ideal for introducing non-gamers to VR but challenging enough for more experienced players.

Levels develop to include stronger gravitational forces, more isotopes, and new kinds of jeopardy. Boss levels with super-structures need new strategies, with a selection of power-ups such as slo-mo, shockwave and solar blossom mode adding to the fun. Your sassy AI sidekick Seren has always got something to say - but is mostly just sarcastic.

Utilising the talents of three music producers (Forward Memory, Dynamix, and I Am Galactic), Neon features an original soundtrack of ambient electronica, synthwave and electro which complements the modern-retro styling of the game.

“It’s like Tron had sex with an atom” - some guy on Reddit

Bunnies For Breakfast


In this game, you get to pick one of my junior high teachers and play as them. Then, you can use their superpowers and weapons to try to get to the highest level you can by annihilating all of the wolves you can before they get a chance to eat all of the bunnies. When all of the bunnies are eaten, you lose.

Teachers, their weapons, and their superpowers:
Mrs Diaz - Weapon: Maraca - SuperPower: Super Speed
Mrs Dumford - Weapon: Ruler - SuperPower: Confusing Wolves
Mrs Morr - Weapon: DNA Strand - SuperPower: Lightning Strikes
Mrs Matty - Weapon: Joan of Ark's Sword - SuperPower: Reviving All of the Bunnies
Mr Van Ryn - Weapon: History Book - SuperPower: Slowing Down Time

Use your weapon in your right hand to hit the wolves and annihilate them.
Press the menu to choose the option of either restarting the game or switching the right and left hand controls if they are mixed up.
Left Hand Trigger initiates the powerup.
Left Hand Grasp allows you to heal bunnies when putting the controller close to them.
Left Hand Joystick allows you to move.
Press, Hold and Release Right Hand trigger button to throw the weapon.
Press Right Hand Grasp Button to shoot the weapon.
Make sure you set a boundary.

Have Fun and Play Safe!


WARNING: Before Using VR Headset:
• Read and follow setup instructions in User Manual, before using VR headset
• Do not use the headset when you are:
• Suffering from lack of sufficient sleep;
• Under influence of alcohol or drugs
• Suffering emotional stress or anxiety
• If you are pregnant, elderly, have vision abnormalities or psychiatric disorders, or suffer from a heart condition or other serious medical condition, we strongly recommend seeing a doctor before using the VR headset.
WARNING: Children – Recommended and Discouraged Use:
• Children under age of 13 should NOT use the VR headset.
• Children age 13 and older should be constantly monitored by an adult to ensure:
• Health and Safety Warnings are followed
• VR headset is used as recommended
• Active use is limited in time and regular breaks is taken, where headset is removed
• Prolonged use is avoided
• Child is monitored for adverse symptoms during and after use.
WARNING: Risk of Seizures
• User should be aware that seizures, eye muscle twitching, severe dizziness or other conditions causing blackouts or loss of consciousness may be triggered by light patterns or flashes. These patterns can occur while using the VR headset.
• If you experience any of these symptoms you should immediately discontinue use of the VR headset and see a doctor.
• If you have a history of, or have been diagnosed with symptoms related to epileptic conditions, you should consult with a doctor before using the VR headset
WARNING: Heed Precautions
• Use VR headset while seated at all times, unless the VR game or VR application experience requires standing.
• At all times, use VR headset while safely away from:
• Other people or animals
• Sharp objects, such as knives & furniture edges
• Tripping hazards
• Stairs and Stairwells
• Open doors, windows and patio doors
• Balconies and patios
• Furniture, plants and other household items
• Slippery or wet surface
• Light fixtures and moving objects, such as ceiling fans
• Other electrical equipment or electrical outlets
• Choking hazards
• Other items you may bump into or trip over during or immediately after use of the VR headset
• We recommend that you gradually increase daily use of VR headset, starting with a few minutes for each use, even if you don’t feel any discomfort or side effects.
• We recommend taking prolonged and regular brakes while using the VR headset. An example would be removing headset for 10-15 minutes every 30 minutes.
• Use of VR headset can cause motion sickness similar to car, sea or air sickness and may not present until hours after using the VR headset.
• Do not use while driving or riding in a moving vehicle or operating machinery of any kind as this could lead to death, personal injury, or damage to property.
• If you experience motion sickness related symptoms, stop use and do not use VR headset until several hours after symptoms are gone before continuing use of the VR headset.
WARNING: Repetitive Stress Injury
• If you feel symptoms such as tingling, numbness, burning or stiffness in muscles, tendons or joints, stop using VR headset and rest for several hours before using it again.
• If above symptoms or other discomfort continue during or after use, stop using VR headset and see a doctor.
CAUTION: Hot VR headset or device
The device and VR headset may become hot when used together with VR features or VR applications for an extended period of time. Stop using the VR functions, take off your VR headset and remove your device from the VR headset to help it cool down before resuming use. Prolonged contact with an overheated device may cause discomfort or burns.

正在显示 1-62 个结果,共 62 个