在 Windows Mixed Reality 中获得优质体验

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画坛:有史以来第一款能够让您与来自五湖四海的男女老少朋友们一起进行3D立体绘画交流和彩弹游戏的平台。这是一款基于微软新一代视窗混合现实操作系统(Windows Mixed Reality)的应用程序,客户端可以用全息镜(HoloLens)或沉浸头盔(Immersive Headset)这两种设备参与。全新人工智能机器人给新玩家上一课!



原创概念: 今天的许多虚拟现实游戏旨在提高画面效果和刺激,但却越来越孤立玩家。我们认为视窗混合现实操作系统可以突破这个弊端。我们决定设计一个老少皆宜的休闲游戏,让大家可以在混合现实空间中娱乐,分享和交流。在冥思苦想中,我们得到了来自一个经典的互动益智游戏的启发,同时我们也看到了混合现实运动遥控器(Motion Controllers)的卓越功能,而深受所鼓舞,所以画坛就此诞生了。为此,我们还要非常感谢微软混合现实学院提供的画笔教材。

说明:您将需要全息镜(HoloLens)或沉浸头盔(Immersive Headset)配上运动遥控器(Motion Controllers)来享受这个体验。

如果想要得心应手,请保持自然站立的姿势。如果在程序启动后,您觉得自己处于不正确的高度,只需站好,直视前方,然后说或点击“Reset Floor Level”来重设地面水平即可。


切换”Painting On" 至 “Paint Balling" 会把游戏模式由绘画猜谜变成彩弹射击。一满罐有100弹。每5秒可以点击菜单上的“Refill 20 Paintballs" 或者说“Refill Paint Ball"来上20弹。凭借自身的灵敏,可以躲开飞来的彩弹。也可以用瞬移才找更好的位置。把其他玩家的血量消耗到零便可得分。他们将进入幽灵状态,在10秒之后复活于一个随机地点。

沉浸头盔(Immersive Headset)配上运动遥控器(Motion Controllers):在启动程序之前,请依照视窗混合现实操作系统的指示,设置好边界。进入程序后,在油画模式中”Painting On“,一旦你看到你的机器人右手拿着油漆刷,你便可以按下右手扳机开始绘制。在彩弹模式中”Paint Balling“, 你可以用右手遥控器来瞄准,扣动扳机来发弹。

一旦你看到你的机器人左臂拿着一个运动遥控器,你可以使用触摸板来选择颜色。或者,您也可以点击“Pick Color”调出大色轮来选择颜色。

如果您有一笔没画好,可以说“Erase Last Stroke”或者按一下右手侧捏键,来擦掉上一笔。您也可以说可以说“Erase All Strokes”来清除你之前所有的笔画。


如果要进行空间穿梭,首先点击控制面板上的右中键,以确保其显示 “Teleport On”。然后用一个运动遥控器将光标指向地板,并向前按住摇杆,直到出现箭头标记,然后释放摇杆来完成穿梭。

全息镜(HoloLens):您可以用凌空点击手势(Air Tap)来选择前方控制面板上的选项(请看胸部以下)。您可以使用以上叙述的英文语音口令。如要绘画,请先确保控制面板显示“Painting On”,然后你可以把手伸到你的面前,捏住并拖动画笔,凌空作画。在”Paint Balling“ 时,用目光瞄准, 凌空点击就会发弹。

在用全息镜(HoloLens) 进行空间穿梭之前,请确保控制面板显示“Teleport On”。然后,你可以用你的目光瞄准,然后凌空点击横跨地图!如果控制面板阻碍了你的视线,你也可以隐藏猜测窗口和面板。


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Loci Memory Palace


What - Use Loci to Link In Your Mind. See https://iform.us. Loci is a method of loci mixed reality mind mapping application located in a virtual reality memory palace. It combines the method of loci memory technique and 3D mixed reality interaction with mind maps (graphs) to support you on your personal analysis tasks. These tasks can include looking for an apartment, finding out more about a disease, or deciding on a next job. Features initial import capability using "Load Graph" voice command for MindManager, Freemind, and GraphML format files.

Why - Loci uses three core concepts to help you organize, understand and remember; mind maps let you break a problem down into component parts to organize and do analysis, mixed reality interaction with mind maps lets you visualize in 3D to understand how they are related, and the method of loci persistent placement of mind map nodes lets you improve your recall of the mind map, even when you are not using the Loci software. In this way you can organize your problem, understand it, and remember it later when you need to use that information for decisions.

How - Loci is built for the Microsoft Mixed Reality. Loci supports spatial mapping so you can place nodes from your mind maps in relevant locations in your memory palace. Loci uses voice, gaze and gestures to enable you to make your 3D graphs (mind maps). You start by saying "add node" to make a node representing the problem you are working on, then you look at this node and again say "add node" to add more nodes for attributes of the problem, so you have a visualization of your problem. You can say "load image" to add nodes with images from files. You can link nodes together to show how they are related to each other. To load and save mind maps you use File Explorer or OneDrive. To help you understand how Loci works, it has a seven day free trial.

Where - Where you place and do things is very important to your memory. Locations in your memory palace are important to you. They have meaning that you effectively recall, and with Loci you can combine your visual and spatial memory.

When - Loci helps you on longer term problems you are working on, where you need to apply your capabilities for cognition. You may return to these problems over a span of weeks or months to arrive at the right decision. You use Loci when you have set aside time to do deep analysis at home or work.

Who - If you are solving complex problems, producing complex things, or planning or purchasing complex items or services, such as cars, houses, college, stocks, or medical treatment, you could benefit by organizing, understanding, and remembering your information by using Loci to link in your mind.

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