Solitaire Classic Seaside TriPeaks Card Game በአሁኑ ሰዓት አይገኝም።


Welcome to Seaside Solitaire - A grand harvest of fun in paradise from a simple Tripeaks Solitaire card game. Seaside redefines the classic Tripeaks solitaire experience with lush accommodations, challenging puzzles, rewarding bonuses and fun in the sun 🏝️ Exclusive content and special features have been created for you to unwind the mind and take yourself on an overseas excursion whenever you need to just get away. A progressive map will lead you on a new Tripeaks solitaire adventure so you can hide away in your own tropical retreat. All the while training your brain with the opportunity to repeat levels and perfect your solitaire card game strategy for bigger rewards and bonuses. Our special resort hostesses - Jean and Maya - are here to help you through the levels, maps and events with an inclusive VIP atmosphere and ready to cater to your rest and relaxation. Make sure to carry treats for our loyal companion, Lucky, who’s happy to celebrate with you during your island hopping excursions! Refine your solitaire tactics to win the max of 3 stars per level in order to fill the Star Chest faster for bigger, more frequent bonuses! Enjoy the islands even longer with an additional comp free coins refill every few minutes. Streak rewards also deliver extra cards and coins to grant higher scores for bigger bonuses so you can enjoy this challenging and personal card game experience longer. Longer streaks boost your score to help add to your Star Chest bonus. Advanced levels will keep your solitaire skills sharp with blockers and mystery cards to keep the game exciting. Dive into solitaire redefined with modern card game features, progression and play on our colorful island resort. Grab a cool drink, bury your toes in the sand and toast the sunset with Seaside Solitaire Tripeaks. Get the perfect getaway!

ቅጽበታዊ ገጽ ዕይታዎች

በተጨማሪ ሰዎች ይወዳሉ

በዚህ ስሪት ላይ ምን አዲስ ነገር አለ

It's time to get away to Seaside Solitaire! We've added a new map so you can better enjoy your virtual island staycation and keep your solitaire skills polished. Stop in and give Lucky a pet then enjoy an overall smoother gaming experience with plenty of new content to fill up your me time. Don't forget a tropical drink!


  • Tripeaks mechanics modern solitaire style
  • Game progression with level ups
  • Star Chest Bonus
  • Streak Bonuses for advanced level rewards
  • Mini Games and Events
  • Complimentary free coin refill every few minutes
  • Tropical theme to enhance your getaway

ተጨማሪ መረጃ

የታተመው በ

Spiral Interactive

የተለቀቀበት ቀን


የተጠጋጋ መጠን

996.72 ሜባ

የዕድሜ ደረጃ አሰጣጥ

ዕድሜያቸው 3 እና ከዚያ በላይ

ይህ መተግበሪያ የሚከተለውን(ሉትን) ማድረግ ይችላል

የ Human Interface Device (HID) ፕሮቶኮል የሚደግፉ የእርስዎን መሳሪያዎች ይጠቀሙ
የእርስዎን የድርጅት ጎራ አሳማኝ ማስረጃዎች ይጠቀሙ
የእርስዎን በይነመረብ ግንኙነት ይድረሱበት
የእርስዎን የበይነመረብ ግንኙነት ይድረሱበት እና እንደ አገልጋይ ይተውኑ
የእርስዎን የቤት ወይም የስራ አውታረ መረቦች ይድረሱባቸው
ወደ የእርስዎ የመለያ የተጠቃሚ ስም እና ስዕል ይድረሱባቸው


ወደ የእርስዎ የ Microsoft መለያ በመለያ ገብተው ሳለ ይህን መተግበሪያ ያግኙ እና በእርስዎ እስከ አስር የሚደርሱ የ Windows 10 መሳሪያዎች ላይ ይጫኑት።

የሚደገፍ ቋንቋ

English (United States)

ይህን ምርት ሪፖርት ያድርጉ

በመለያ ይግቡ ይህን ጨዋታ ወደ Microsoft ሪፖርት ለማድረግ
ሪፖርት ያድርጉ ይህ ምርት ለህገወጥ ይዘት

የሕግ ማስተባበያ

ይህ ሻጭ ሁሉንም የሚመለከታቸው ህጎች የሚያከብሩ ምርቶችን ወይም አገልግሎቶችን ብቻ እንደሚያቀርብ አረጋግጧል