War Leader - Destroy The Empire সম্প্ৰতি উপলব্ধ নহয়৷


Welcome to Zartaal, world-brother of the Earth from parallel reality. The history of this world developed in the same vein as on the Earth: epochs succeeded each other, states grew and at some point the planet turned into an arena of confrontation between the two superpowers. - Organize meetings and disrupt the calm in the regions of the country using other ways. Different areas of the empire have differences in culture, mentality and needs of residents, and it is important to take this into account during the execution of certain actions. - Affect the senators to push the laws you like which would further destabilize the situation. But the special services of the empire stay vigilant. And the more activity you show the higher the chance that the authorities will find the strings leading to you. - Once you feel that it's time for an open rebellion - start a revolution. Depending on the circumstances there is a chance that you will be lucky and the coup will be successful. But the revolution can have negative outcomes: an uprising can be drown in the blood, a coup may lead to a civil war and finally the wrong forces can come to power. However if your real goal is to destroy the empire and not to bring freedom and democracy into it then such an option can be considered a victory.


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BrightDream Apps, LLC

মুক্তিৰ তাৰিখ


আনুমানিক আকাৰ

219.91 MB

বয়সৰ মূল্যায়ন

3 বছৰ আৰু তাতকৈ বেছি বয়সৰ বাবে

এই এপ্প্‌টোৱে পাৰে

আপোনাৰ অৱস্থান ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক
আপোনাৰ ইণ্টাৰনেট সংযোগলৈ প্ৰৱেশাধিকাৰ কৰক


আপোনাৰ Microsoft একাউন্টত ছাইন ইন কৰোঁতে আৰু দহটালৈকে Windows 10 ডিভাইচত স্থাপন কৰোঁতে এই এপ্প্‌টো লাভ কৰক৷

ভাষা সমৰ্থিত

English (United States)

এই প্ৰডাক্টটোৰ প্ৰতিবেদন দিয়ক

ছাইন ইন কৰক Microsoft লৈ এই খেলৰ প্ৰতিবেদন দিবলৈ
প্ৰতিবেদন কৰক অবৈধ সামগ্ৰীৰ বাবে এই প্ৰ’ডাক্টটো

আইনী অস্বীকাৰ

এই বিক্ৰেতাই প্ৰমাণিত কৰিছে যে ই কেৱল সকলো প্ৰযোজ্য আইন পালন কৰা প্ৰডাক্ট বা সেৱাৰ অফাৰ কৰিব